Ignatian Full Tuition Scholarship?

Hi all,

Does anybody know any stats for previous Ignatian Scholars? How competitive is it? How many Ignatian scholarships are offered each year? How many people are invited to interview?

I interviewed last year and I’m not sure how much of the weight is given to the interview vs objective stats. Everyone who applies gets an interview–I’ve heard it’s around 300-400, but I believe they give about 10-15 actual scholarships, so it is very competitive.

Do you remember what sort of questions were asked during the interview?

I had my interview two days ago They asked me what my plans were for the future, what I wanted to do when I get older, and why I want to become a Loyola Rambler. Just the basics. The lady who interviewed me said that they were giving away 15 scholarships this year.

@tmkassie Did they tell you when the decision would be released?

@HEYBusse when I went they told me mid-April but didn’t give me a specific date.

Anyone hear anything yet?

One admissions counselor onsite told us “hopefully by 4/13”
We haven’t heard anything and given May 1 looming, a little nerve wracking. We are thinking this probably means no-go in daughter getting it.

@uni2022 We’re a little stressed here, too. I never thought we’d be waiting until the last minute to make a decision.

@HEYBusse I don’t remember clearly but the lady who interviewed said they would be released on April something. She told me the number but I forgot because she told me it before the interview started and I blanked out everything before lol. But I remeber it being either the 13, 15, 17, or 19th. It was an odd number. I would just call them at this point.

My son got the phone call today. We’re so excited! Good luck to everyone!

@proudmama73 did he get it?

I just won the Ignatian Scholarship and couldn’t be more excited! Does anyone know if it stacks with any of the other awarded scholarships like the Presidential or the Jesuit Heritage?

The Ignatian scholarship will replace previous awards, they don’t stack. But congratulations, winning the Ignatian is awesome!

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@tmkassie He got it!!
Congrats @Highduke!

@proudmama73 @Highduke Congrats!!! I just got my call today!!

Congrats to all of you! I think that means the rest of us probably didn’t get it :confused:

Congrats to you all!!!

Just got an email saying I didn’t get the scholarship. Congrats to all who did :slight_smile:

Hi, my daughter just found out that she got accepted with presidential scholarship. When does the invitation for ignition scholarship comes in if she were to be invited? Thank you

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