Ignatian Full Tuition Scholarship?

My daughter didn’t ask about the decision date.

Per what I heard, Ignatian Scholarship results will be out on the 15th, but just want to know if anyone has heard anything yet

I called today and they are starting to notify tonight and through Monday

My daughter received a call on Friday afternoon! She was SO excited, and so are we!! Good luck to everyone!

Hi, I am an aspiring Loyola student and am curious what it takes to receive the Ignatian Scholarship. Could you give me any pointers? Thank you!

@Highduke Could you possibly share with me what you did to get the Ignatian scholarship in terms of test scores, leadership, service, or anything else you can think of? Thank you!

@proudmama73 Could you possibly share with me what your son did to get the Ignatian scholarship in terms of test scores, leadership, service, or anything else you can think of? Thank you!

For those of you who went through this last year, did you actually have to be on campus on a single specific day to interview (how they made it sound in the admissions session)? I believe we will be out of the country for spring break at the time for the 2020 interviews. I will send my daughter back early if necessary, but I’m hoping there is some flexibility, since we planned her senior trip well before we knew she might qualify for this scholarship.

@ajc1966 Yes, Ignatian interviews are all on one specific day–usually a Friday in late March.

How and when are you notified that you will be invited to interview?

I’m not sure when the invitations go out, but in the admissions presentation, they said you are invited to apply if you have a 33 or higher ACT (don’t remember the SAT since that was not relevant to my daughter) and a 3.5 GPA. Then they select finalists to interview.

Is anyone else waiting to hear about this year’s Ignatian scholarship? Ugh, the wait is killing me!

I can’t wait as well, Would be a huge factor in my decision to attend Loyola. Does anyone have an idea of when results will come out? However i know it might be different this year due to the lack of interviews

Looking at when they came out last year, it could be this Friday.

I didn’t realize it’s Good Friday this week, so I don’t think it will come out until mid-week next week. Ugh!

Anyone hear about the Ignation Scholarship for the Class of 2020 yet?

I emailed admissions this morning and haven’t received a response. I just want to know when they will let us know, since some of the other schools my daughter is considering still have a 5/1 decision date.

We are still praying and hoping to hear soon

Would those of you waiting be willing to share stats so I know what we’re up against? :smile:

D20 - ACT 34 (superscore)… GPA is something in the range of 3.8 - 3.9 unweighted and 4.1 weighted. She will have 12 APs at the end of senior year. Captain of speech team and state officer for DECA.

She did not go to a Catholic HS - I don’t know if that makes a difference

ACT 33
UW 3.95
W 4.59
9 APs
HS Soccer Captain, all conference honorable mention 2x
Club Soccer
Nordic Ski Team
Student Government Senior Class President
Intern with climate organization
Executive of climate justice group - organized strike with 7,000 attendees

Didn’t go to a catholic high school.
Essay was not the best, not feeling very hopeful.