Ignatian Scholarship Questions

Hi, I’m a high school senior who has gotten in to Loyola Chicago who has some questions about their Ignatian Scholarship. I meet all of the minimum requirements with a 33 ACT, a 1440 SAT and a 3.99 GPA unweighted, but I haven’t been contacted at all about being a candidate for it. I was wondering if anyone knows if there’s a certain date they tell you you’re a candidate or if not everyone who meets the minimum requirements is going to be considered for the scholarship? Thanks for your help!

If you go into the application portal, there is a section on the right side of the page with scholarships you are eligible to apply to.

I received an email inviting me to check my portal and apply

Thanks! I got my invitation and I’ve been working on my essay and I was wondering if anyone knew whether or not you’re already guaranteed an interview if you’re invited to apply or if they will decide whether or not to keep considering you for the scholarship based on your essay? (I just want to know because my senior trip would be the same time as the interview and I need to figure out kind of soon if I should get a refund for the trip)

wait, i thought the minimum for the Ignatian is a 1480 on the SAT? i retook it for this sole reason and I’m waiting for my score to come out on the 23rd. i already got a 1430 before, which got me the Damen scholarship

How many people get the scholarship per year?

I have an interview scheduled for this Friday, does anyone know what the interviews are like? what questions will be asked?

How did it go @lmarvin?

How did it go @lmarvin?

has anyone heard anything? the scholarship packet said we would be hearing responses the week of the 17th

I still haven’t heard


My son heard back from them on Friday. He did not receive the Ignatian Scholarship, but was chosen as the recipient for the National Merit Finalist Scholarship Award. We could not be happier!

Congrats to your son!! Is he going to go there? How much is the National Merit Finalist Scholarship Award? Does it go to all NM finalists or is it competitive?