iIm in a pickle! please help me!

<p>have been accepted to both UCSD and UCB (spring admit)
I have beeen not able to sleep the past few weeks due to this matter!</p>

<p>Pros of UCSD

  • start in the fall when everyone is
  • have close friends going there
  • has the “college experience” of both a world class education and fun
  • Seems more laidback, less tension, competition may be evident but also not too much as in a fiasco
  • I love the beach there and its beautiful
  • rank 37 in the entire world for Social sciences; which i plan to major in
  • can imagine myself being happy here
  • more space
  • i can get a higher GPA here then berkeley. (for grad school)</p>

<p>Cons of UCSD

  • I got into sixth college: a very far and seculded spot for political science
  • political science is not as much impacted but they have one of teh finest poli sci professors
  • hard to have office hours with professors
  • does nto have the name berekeley has </p>

<p>Pros of UCB

  • The best education in poli sci. ranked 2nd in social sciences after harvard in the entire world!
  • Better quality of education then ucsd but oth institutions offer superb education. UCB offers a bit better one.
  • has a name, as in well known through out the country.</p>

<p>Cons of UCB

  • I got admited to spring admit so i would not be having friends when i get there.
  • the major i am applying for is poli sci and its very impacted. very impacted!
  • everone can do well on tests but the curve is unforgiving
  • GPA may be low. maybe VERY LOW
  • afraid that i might fail
  • Hate the hippie town and area
  • Bay area is alright but i dont think i can live there
  • Professors dont care about you
  • people are into clicks and dont interact
  • i feel that i have been accepted miraculously
  • dont feel prepared
  • my parents want me to go there!
  • no parties?
    These are just my preferences! </p>

<p>Please help me in deciding!! I call out to the college confidential community for this! if im wrong PLEASE correct me. THANKSSS<33</p>

<p>I'd go to berkeley. Who cares if it's difficult? Just work hard and get A's and B's to get a 3.5-7 gpa. That's good enough. </p>

<p>Who said that profs don't care lol? I think that's a common misconception, but really now how much different would teaching be at berk than at sd? I can't imagine it would be that different. </p>

<p>I heard that the party scene is decent at berk, DEF better than sd though.</p>

<p>If you care about being happy, id go to UCSD. That's all it's about! If you want to have the best college experience go with where you would enjoy yourself. You are old enough to make your own decisions, and your parents need to realize that. They wont have you for much longer you know!</p>

<p>See response in your thread under UCSD...</p>

<p>I am having the same problem with picking between UCSD and UCB. I am a UCSD winter admit, but got into Berkely in the fall. I will tell you I honestly did not deserve to get into Berkeley, so the last few weeks since UCSD came out I have been getting my head wrapped around the fact that I would be going to UCSD. There are more people from my school that will most likely end up at UCSD that I am closer with and I would really like that part of it. I would like to be familiar with people that I can hang with until I get close enoguh to others and can branch out. The problem with it is that I got into UCSD in the winter so I'm not guaranteed housing and I don't start until January. With Cal, it's Cal for god's sake, I would be considered an idiot to turn down Cal after I messed around so much in HS, but I find myself not that excited about it and actually afraid of this new environment and how difficult I have heard it is. I just don't know. My parents are pressuring me to go to Cal after I got rejected from my first choice UCLA and didn't get in in the fall for San Diego. And then I miraculously got into Berkeley in the fall. I was actually rejected from Irvine, but accepted to Cal, I might be the first person this has ever happened to. I was honestly shocked after seeing the Acceptance. Now the decision is actually in my hands after it had basically been made for me after UCLA rejected me and UCSD accepted me for winter. I just need time to think about it</p>

<p>masterhammy - tough choice, but I would say go to Cal. I believe one should never choose a school just because friends go there - you will meet plenty of interesting people at Cal. Cal - do it.</p>

<p>I am a second year UCB student. THis is what i feel.
- GPA may be low. maybe VERY LOW (yes, this will happen unless you actually study - people here are serious when it comes to studying)
- afraid that i might fail (you've made it this far, if you put some time into studying than you will do fine. Its rare to fail unless you dont study like some of my friends and get owned.)
- Hate the hippie town and area (this is reasonable depends on preference, but its not quite a hippy town)
- Bay area is alright but i dont think i can live there (lol why not?)
- Professors dont care about you (False, they dont care about people that dont talk to them. Some classes are huge (more than 300) so if you actually take the time to go to Office Hours they are very courteous, regardless of how stern they act, and will help you with your questions).
- people are into clicks and dont interact (haha sometimes this is true, but it seems people prefer to hang out with their first year friends. I am somewhat different since I try to meet new people when i get the chance. Not everyone is part of a clique. And some people don't interact - but that doesn't mean everyone is the same.)
- DIFFICULT!!! (yes - most good schools are)
- i feel that i have been accepted miraculously (maybe)
- dont feel prepared (bring your brains and your motivation)
- my parents want me to go there! (hahah good one same with mine)
- no parties? (gotta know where to go and usually there are parties going on every weekend. some parties are private. Join a frat or club and you will understand)</p>

<p>I realize that my comments may be blunt and straightforward, but that is how I would address your questions in real life probably too. I don't know anything about the other UC's you applied, but I chose UCB above them. I believe the experience will be hard, but rewarding.</p>