<p>lol, do you think that's sad?</p>
<p>Why will you never know how?</p>
<p>I am hoping to get a phd in astrophysics also, but I already know how to use one. I can’t get enough of the stars!</p>
<p>lol cuz I don’t consider it any more “magical” if you see the object for yourself (who cares if you see it for yorself - the images you’ll see will be far less glamorous than what expensive telescopes can see). Just as I don’t see the point of visiting tourist attractions if you can already see pictures of them (that will be much better than any picture you can take yoursef).</p>
<p>It’s not sad…kind of like a mathematician not knowing how to do long division by hand
But it’s not hard to just pick one up and put it to your eye…</p>
lol now i definitely dont agree with that. you ever been to the grand canyon or versaiilles? pictures simply don’t do any of those places any justice.</p>
<p>ps. from a young child i loved cosmology and astrophysics…but i just dont think i’ll make any money o_O</p>