I'll Start..

<p>Got accepted, stats:
Liberal Arts Curriculum</p>

<p>1320 SAT
3.741 GPA (W)
Lots of ECs connected w/ Politics (Political Science is picked major)</p>


<p>also got accepted, first-year engineering with these stats:
1440 SAT
1/439 (yay! but i'll be dropping a couple spots next semester, oh well, i still get my scholarship)
barely any ec's, yearbook (editor 2yrs), orchestra (librarian), and model UN</p>

<p>i'd say it's pretty easy to get into purdue. but very good in engineering, technology, and some business. not sure about their politcal science though, their LAC doesn't seem very strong.</p>

<p>Where did you get accepted</p>

<p>its not like political science is ranked. i'm presuming you plan on a law career? in that case it really doesn't matter.</p>

<p>Just received acceptance letter today.
Asian female from CA
1250 SAT
3.92 GPA (W)
lots of ECs
Major: Mangement</p>

<p>I too got accepted into 1st-yr engineering.</p>

<p>I'm lazy. If you want my stats, then go here: <a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=6357%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=6357&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I just got accepted about a month ago. </p>

<p>1140 SAT
3.9 GPA
Major: Elementary Education</p>

<p>Wow i also got accepted into the first-year engineering program as well...SAT 1440... GPA 98...ranked 6th/118
i also got some merit awards </p>

<p>for the other first-year engineering acceptees is this anyone's first choice or still waiting for another school and if so where?</p>

<p>I got accepted, but did not enroll.</p>

<p>my stats were:
SAT: 1290
ACT: 28
GPA W: 3.2
GPA UW: I believe around 2.8
EC's: none
Work experience: none
Recommendations: none</p>

<p>Yes, Purdue is fairly easy to get into. But depends on which school, it seems.</p>

<p>Both my friends received their acceptance letters yesterday. Both had around 1200-1250, and apprx. 3.2-3.3 UW GPA. One was accepted to biology and the other poli sci.</p>

<p>SAT1 1300
Math 1 C: 720
Writing : 660

<p>first year student, pre-economics
but i why would i goto this school?
i am still waiting for NYU E.D. letter :)</p>

<p>I got accepted into the first year engineering program... Homeschooled, 1490 SAT. Purdue considers me a valedictorian :D.</p>

<p>annak, what merit awards did you get, if you don't mind my asking? i was accepted around the beginning of November, i believe, and all they gave me was a Valedictorian scholarship... did you get money from the Engineering department already? did the information about it come with the acceptance letter or later?</p>

<p>I applied to Northwestern, Case western, Rose hulman (already accepted there too), and Vtech as well. Northwestern is my first choice, if i could get in and then somehow pay for it, but i'm waiting to see how much purdue and case will give me... the beering scholarship from purdue looks especially nice...</p>

<p>I got accepted to Purdue engineering. My stats were 1370 SATs, 3.5 GPA and some bull crap activites. So are any of you guys going? I need some scholarship money, what kind of stats do they want for those?</p>

<p>I got accepted today and I have been offered an $8500 scholarship. I have a 1490 SAT right now, but they only have a 1430 on file. 3.97 GPA. 34 ACT, but they don't have that either.</p>

<p>Management school</p>

<p>Educational Background
 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx High School – Xxx Xxxxxx, New Jersey
• 2001-Present
• Expected Graduation Date: June 2005
• Grade Point Averages:
o 2.433 – Freshman Year
o 3.209 – Sophomore Year
o 3.682 – Junior Year
o 3.633 – Senior Year First Quarter
• Senior Year Schedule: First Quarter Grades
o AP Statistics: 3.6
o AP European History: 4.0
o Honors Japanese III: 3.6
o Economics: 3.4
o Humanities: 3.4
o Applications of Science and Technology: 3.4
o Physical Education: 4.0
• Standardized Test Score:
o 1300 – Highest SAT1 Composite Score
 680 – Math: May 2004
 620 – Verbal: Oct 2004
o 720 – Math 1 C: June 2004
o 660 – Writing: Nov 2004

Seton Hall University’s Project Acceleration – South Orange, New Jersey
• September 2004 – June 2005
• Introductory to Japanese II: 3 credits
• Western Civilization II: 3 credits

New York University – New York, New York
• Summer 2004
• Algebra & Calculus with Applications to Business and Economics: A- or 3.7

Cross-Cultural Solutions – Ayacucho, Peru
• August 2003
• Introduction to the Ancient Inca Civilization
• Introduction to Spanish and Modern Peruvian History</p>

<p>Volunteer Works
 Pathfinders: A Counseling Organization – China, Mongolia, South Korea, and Online
• Grades 10-12
• Founder: Counsel North Korean Refugees
• 5 Hours a Week, 45 Weeks a Year

N.G.O.: A Japanese N.G.O. – China, Mongolia, and South Korea
• August 2002
• Counseled North Korean Refugees
• Translated Korean into English and Japanese
• 12 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

Cross-Cultural Solutions – Ayacucho, Peru
• August 2003
• Volunteered at a Prison and Drop-off School
• 10 Hours a Day, 6 Days a Week

Englewood Medical Center Hospital – Englewood, New Jersey
• Grades 10-12
• Volunteered in Emergency Room and Courtesy
• Over 150 Hours in Total</p>

 Kendo: Japanese Martial Arts – Japan, South Korea, and Closter, New Jersey
• Grades 4-12
• Black-Belt (First Level Dan)
• 5 Hours a Week, 35 Weeks a Year

Kendo: Japanese Martial Arts – Closter, New Jersey
• Grades 10-12
• Instructor for Beginner Classes
• 3 Hours a Week, 35 Weeks a Year

Musical Instrument: Violin
• Grades K-12
• Played for Over 12 Years
• 2 Hours a Week, 35 Weeks a Year</p>

<p>Awards and Recognition
 Gangseo Borough Newspaper & Duri-Hana Church – Seoul, South Korea
• November 2002
• Newspaper: an Article of Recognition for the Pathfinders’ Works

Eastern U.S. Kendo Championships
• Long Island, New York; East Brunswick, New Jersey; Vienna, Virginia
• Gold Medal (Team Division) – April 2004
• Silver Medal (Team Division) – November 2003
• Silver Medal (Team Division) – May 2003
• Bronze Medal (Individual Division) – April 2004</p>

<p>Work Experience
 Excelite Inc.: An Optical Lens Distributing Company – Columbus, Ohio
• August 23, 2004 – September 3, 2004
• Summer Intern, Sales Department
• 10 Hours a Day, Five Days a Week

Fungwon Inc.: An Optical Frames Manufacturer – Guangzhou, China
• June 29, 2002 – July 30, 2002
• Factory Labor, Packaging Department
• 12 Hours a Day, Six Days a Week</p>

<p>Asian-American: Korean
MY HS is one of the top 5 public schools in my state, New Jeresy</p>

<p>Got into engineering too but waiting to hear from Michigan.</p>

<p>white male/out-of-state
1290 (yikes) 1330 with SAT 11 math
4.3 weighted, all A's with 1 B in AP History
16 Honors/AP classes
so so EC's</p>

<p>got into engineering
3.97 unweighted
AP classes and college courses</p>