<p>anyone who applied (preferably ED) to cornell ilr, im just curious to see what kind of people applied.. my gpa's and ec's arent that good but im wondering if a lot of others arent perfect students..</p>
<p>sat: 2370 (2 sittings)
(any c's on your transcript?): C+ in sophomore hon american studies
rank: 37/545
AP's: eng lang(11), eng lit(12), calc bc(12), physics 1,2(12), french(12)</p>
<p>extracurriculars: christian club (member 1 year, VP 2 years)
french club member
art club member
reading olympics</p>
<p>awards: national merit commended scholar, reg/dist honor roll
work/volunteer:korean school TA, summer school TA</p>
<p>misc: -youth group (9-12) officer (12)
-included my interests in anime/manga/sudoku/kakuro in attempt to learn japanese language/culture (does that make it seem like i slacked off?)
-people told me my commonapp essay was really good</p>
<p>Yeah, horrible stats, that SAT score is ridiculously good. I have a 3.88 and am 10/350, 5 AP’s, worst grades were B+'s, tons of extracurriculars. Mediocre test scores though. Good essays.</p>
<p>Yeah I applied ED to ILR but I really dont have much chance either.</p>
<p>ACT: 32 (yikes)
GPA UW: 3.5 (yikes x2)
AP’s: Euro, US, Gov, Calc BC, Enviromental, English Langauge, English Littrature, French
Half of those are this year the rest were taken soph and junior year. Im advanced a year in math,science,and language also ive taken all honors if AP’s werent offered. This year im also taking a mcaroeconomics class at Pace University and on the days I dont have that im interning with the AFl-CIO.</p>
<p>The one good this is that my ILR essay was pretty kickass
Its titled. “From Bugs to Collective Bargaining”</p>
<p>Lol I guess its just because one of my friends got a 36 another got a 34 and yet another got a 33. Some of my firends make me seems stupid lol. Also forgot to mention im instate. I have a feeling fellow ny’ers that ILR and the rest of the contract college are gonna be really hard to get into because its a 40% discount for a cornell eduacation and with the economy tanking and so many out of work ibankers well you get the drift…</p>
<p>Hey guys! I applied ED
I’m really nervous though, I really can’t focus on school these days!
I hope we all get in!</p>
<p>sat: 2220 (took it once)
(any c’s on your transcript?): nope
rank: doesn’t rank
AP’s: Physics, chem, bio
nothing amazing, just 3 main ones with leadership positions since 11th grade (ex. student council)</p>
<p>awards: random school ones, two math distinction awards on national level
work/volunteer: senior home</p>
<p>I’m not so sure about my essays, I suppose slightly better than mediocre?</p>
<p>about a month left of waiting ;D lets hang in there guys!!</p>
<p>*sat: 1360 / 2160
*act: 32
*gpa:3.65 / 4.4
i actually have 2 C’s in my transcript, both in math
*rank: school doesn’t rank, but i’m guessing i’m in the top 15%
*AP’s: euro history (3), u.s. history (3), environmental sci (4), eng lit, calc ab, bio, econ.
[btw, how important are ap scores in regards to admission?]
spanish honors society (3 year member)
california scholarship federation (4 years)
volunteer work at local hospital (logged over 200 hours)
key club (4 years)
nonvarsity sport team
orchestra (1st chair)
a 4-day leadership forum, which was sponsored by various organizations and cost $0 for all participants (pretty selective; 50 students across california).
*awards: national merit semifinalist, principal’s honor roll/ high honor roll, honorable mention award at a local science + engineering fair.
*essays are pretty good.</p>
<p>as u can see, i’m far from a perfect student, as are many other applicants. so let’s all chillax until dec. 15 ;)</p>
<p>Looks like I have the lowest GPA out of all you guys lol. Oh well hopefully they’ll look at the rediculous rigor of my school (val last year only got a 93! and there were a bunch of seriously high 2200+ scores in that grade) and my good ec’s to counterbalance it. Anyone else do any sports. Ive run varsity x-c and track since 8th grade and have been captain of both for the last two years now. Missed states for x-c by about 15 seconds ouch!</p>
<p>AP’s: European History (3) , US History (3), Language (4), Literature, Spanish, Statistics, Art History, US Government
…almost everything else was honors.
4.16 wtd GPA, 3.86 unwtd
doesn’t do specific rank, but gives decile (top decile), 203 students in class
ACT - 33</p>
Model UN (VP Junior, president Senior)
Odyssey of the Mind (international creative problem solving competition, placed 7th at world finals)
Student Government (class VP fresh, soph / class co-pres junior)
Peer Mediator
Varsity Soccer
Spanish NHS
Group Work Camp - work on houses for impoverished people, etc.
‘Powderpuff’ Football charity - helped organize, raised $2,000+ for Cancer Research
Spanish Tutor for Middle Schoolers
AP European History Summer Internship - after taking AP European History, worked with teacher to improve course
(soph) served as librarian’s assistant</p>
<p>…also, i’m from CT. go out-of-staters!..even if i live ten minutes from the NY border.</p>
<p>Well if they admit 50 students ED like normally that means 30 instaters and 20 out of staters will get in (going by the 60/40 split the contract deans like to keep). This years admission is gonna be very cut throat with it being half tuition for instaters and with this crappy economy. Good luck everyone, last year 189 kids applied Ed and I have a very good feeling that number could be 250+ this year. What are the odds 10+ ED’ers wind up on this site lol. Should be interesting to see if we all get in.</p>
<p>I f theres one thing to say its that I dont like these odds ughh.</p>
<p>i think the 60/40 split comes naturally…more NY residents apply to ILR than out of state…mostly b/c no one is sure about majoring in ILR (unique program)…</p>
<p>the 1/3 chance of getting accepted is pretty much true…</p>
<p>“ILR degrees are not pre-requisites for I-banking kthxplz?”</p>
<p>What I meant when I said this was out of work ibankers will send there kids to ILR rather than harvard because its cheaper not that the degree is a preqreisite for ibanking lol.</p>
<p>Also got my new act scores back 33 boi. Pretty phsyched as I think this helps my chances quite a bit.</p>