<p>I have read and heard that CAS freshman will register early in JUly this year. When are ILR freshman allowed to register for CAS electives this year since there are changes for CAS this year? Haven't received anything in mail yet? The registrar's office didn't say?</p>
<p>ILR pre-enrolls you for your classes. You can add electives on Wednesday morning before classes begin (classes start Thursday) by going to jtf.cornell.edu</p>
<p>Thank you for your response. What about the Freshman Writing Seminar? It says on the site that you send in Ballot starting July 30? Are ILR students not allowed to? It seems ILR will placed at a major disadvantage to get classes. Is this the case? The CAS registrar said new sections may not be opened up for calsses this year because of budget cuts, What if you need to enroll in advanced econ classes?</p>
<p>non-CAS students are at a disadvantage for CAS classes…</p>
<p>that’s the difference between being in CAS and any other school…</p>
<p>there should be plenty of FWS to be assigned to…though it seems they are doing things differently this year…</p>
<p>there are soooooooo many FWS. you are guaranteed to get into one. it might not be your first, or second choice, but you will get a FWS.</p>
<pre><code> Is the disadvantage worse this year because of these CAS budget cutbacks we just heard about? The selling point of ILR was that you could shape the program to your interest such as those who minor or take a ton of econ courses to prepare for Phd in Labor econ or other areas. Will it be a struggle from now on to get classes needed outside of ILR if you are coming in as a freshman??? Is ILR going to clarify when students submit the FWS ballot?
<p>you probably only have room for 1-3 electives (depending on what ILR courses you’re assigned for this first fall semester) </p>
<p>what are some courses you want to take? after the first semester no one is really pre-enrolled anymore…</p>
<p>Calculus 2, or Intro to statistics and probability (econ dept.)</p>
<p>you add electives the day before classes begin?
that seems a little late for me…
and does all of this happen online?</p>
<p>also,how many courses do you take in your freshman year?</p>
<p>cadmium…you shouldnt have a problem getting into calculus…those are big classes…not sure about the probability course (do you already have credit for ILR STATS?)</p>
<p>adding electives the day before classes isnt so bad…the course roster has been up for awhile (you can go ahead and schedulizer.com something) </p>
<p>you can keep adding for a few days after classes start (maybe 2 weeks?) and drop courses for maybe 4 weeks into the semester?</p>
<p>Thank you ResurgamBell:</p>
<pre><code> Did ILRies always enroll in CAS electives the day before classes start? Will the choices be extremely limited? I am concerned. The CAS registrar said because of budget cutbacks new sections may not be added CASclasses? Do you know anything about this and how it will affect the flexibility to mold your major in ILR?
<p>you might not get in a class b/c it’s popular…such as intro to psych, wines, etc…</p>
<p>ILR is not the only school that takes classes in CAS…every other school usually takes their distribution requirements in CAS…</p>
<p>even if a class is full sometimes you can do an add using the traditional paper method!</p>
<pre><code> When you try to get all of your CAS classes during add/drop, the day before classes start, my son was concerned that you would be missing classes and homework, while trying to get this to work out? How do ILR students handle this?
<p>unlike high school…one is free to shop around for classes…</p>
<p>it will be up to your son to figure out how many classes he wants to shop around for…while still keeping up with the work…</p>
<p>most classes dont have anything due the first two weeks…</p>
<pre><code> As always you are kind and informative. Thank you!!! One last question though.
<p>Do ILR upperclassmen enroll for CAS electives and get them before the summer??? Also, if you need permission for a class how does that work???</p>
<p>CUGrad thanks for the answers! So as I understand it, ILRies don’t really do any course registration until classes are close to starting.</p>
<p>I’m a sophomore transfer so I don’t suppose I’ll have too much room for electives.</p>
<p>But don’t the upperclassmen get to register earlier than the summer. This would make it hard to shape a schedule to individual interests and requirements, for econ, for example?</p>
<p>Wouldn’t this system of not registering until right before classes start make it hit or miss as to whether you will ever meet your prequisites or get higher level classes in your area of interest whether it be math, econ , history etc.?</p>
<p>Wouldn’t this system of not registering until right before classes start make it hit or miss as to whether you will ever meet your prequisites or get higher level classes in your area of interest whether it be math, econ , history etc.?</p>
<p>After reading Ren’s Gomestar’s and other’s posts, they always said you could take alot of CAS electives in ILR to shape your major to subjects that you could pursue in Grad School.
However, this would require meeting many prerequisites to get to the upper level courses in CAS. Is this still possible?</p>
<p>chill out cadmiumred! lol</p>
<p>yes I already have my schedule planned out (except for an ILR class which is apparently only for sophomores >_>)</p>