ILR Major, ECON IR minors

<p>is that possible? a good idea?</p>

<p>To answer your first question, it’s certainly possible. Just take Intermediate Micro/Macro Theory & Econometrics as part of your out-of-college ILR electives, and take advanced ILRLE electives as part of your in-college ILR electives, and you can get the econ concentration done without even going out of your way. Not sure what the IR requirements are, but probably a similar story. </p>

<p>To answer your second, it depends on what interests you. When I came to ILR, I loved econ, and incidentally fulfilled the minor requirements for that and inequality just by taking the classes that interested me. And as a PhD student studying labor economics, I use the intuition I picked up at ILR every day.</p>