I'm a Junior! How are my chances looking?

<p>Hey there. I just discovered UW-Madison about a month ago when my mom signed me up for a 2-week program there this summer. I looked at the site, and it made its way to my #1 choice.</p>

<p>I'm going to be a Junior this fall, so I have time to change things.
As of RIGHT NOW.. I have:</p>

<p>White Male from Minnesota
GPA: 3.1 (Freshman: 2.7, Sophomore: 3.6) (Will be 3.3-3.4 when I apply)
PLAN Estimated ACT: 24 (I'm hoping for a 30.. I'm taking a class this fall and already bought a book)
-Obvious increase in grades
-mostly regular classes with a few honors
Piano: 11 years
Band: 5 Years
Cross Country: 6 Years
Track: Will be 4
Various Musicals and Plays
Junior Class Committee
A TON of other leadership stuff
Helped organize an anti-alcohol/drug week at school
Jazz Ensemble
Pep Band
Peer Tutors
KLE Group (aid underclassmen)
... And a lot of other stuff I can't remember.</p>

<p>*** I'm doing a program at UW This summer involving medicine, which I want to study.. So I'll know a few Profs***</p>

<p>I should have good recs</p>

<p>Junior Schedule:<br>
Spanish 3<br>
Honors Algebra 2<br>
AP Psychology<br>
World History<br>
Honors Chemistry<br>
AP English 11</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Spanish 4
Honors Pre-Calc
AP GovCitz
Honors Economics
World Geography
Honors Physics
AP English 12</p>

<p>Do you think my bad 9th grade year followed by good sophomore and HOPEFULLY good junior/senior, extra curriculars, and increasingly hard classes will get me in?</p>


<p>you definitely have the ECs. I didnt have much ECs and got in. Work on ur grades, obviously. Take harder classes. Straight As in easy classes i think is not as great as Bs or B+s in all APs. But if ur school doesnt offer them, thats okay. Get above a 30 on ur act and apply early and u should be fine.</p>

<p>yeah, i agree with kecinscool. also remember, an increasing trend in your grades will help you alot. if you can get your gpa up to a 3.4 and do well on your ACT/SAT, you have a good chance.</p>

<p>Thanks for replying... It's nice to know I still have a chance.
I was looking through the other threads and it looks like everyone on here is top 10% of their class, 3.8ish GPA, or valedictorian and has an ACT like 30+. Is it just that better students come on this website? Or does Madison really only accept people who are that good?</p>

<p>I don't like the way their website describes it. I mean 3.5-3.9 is a pretty broad range.</p>

<p>Well, the 3.5 - 3.9 is generally the middle 50%... and I believe that the averae ACT is floating around 29 or 30 these days. And yes, there are a lot of motivated students on CC, but Madison is getting more and more competitve as the years go by... it's no cake walk getting in because the number of applications is so massive (therefore the talent pool is similarly sized).</p>

<p>Explore the freshman admissions information on the UW website, a wealth of information there. Improving grades mean a lot, they may ignore your freshman grades if your junior grades are similar to the sophomore ones. A 50% range is better than an average for test scores and gpa- it shows you where half the students are; you get the wide or narrow spread information (remember the mean/average could mean half the students had much higher/lower stats or were bunched near that mean, but the range lets you figure out if you are in the top or bottom quarter...).</p>