I'm a sophomore at my CC and took a gap semester this Fall. Since I'll be going back next Spring, would I have to wait until next Fall to apply as a transfer?

For personal reasons, I decided to take the semester off for the Fall. I’m just curious to know how the process would work once I complete my AA (I’m a Communication Studies major). Would it affect my chances of getting in when I apply for next Fall? I could only assume it won’t, but I don’t know much information. I just want to make sure I’m on the right path so I can still transfer with no issue.

For better understanding, here’s how my schedule’s mapped out:
Fall 2020 (Completed), Spring 2021 (Completed), Fall 2021 (Skipped), Spring 2022 (Planned), Fall 2022 (Planned)

An additional question if anyone might know: Would this also affect my dual enrollment, since California Community Colleges offer free tuition for two years?

Thank you!

I think as long as you have the 60 units you should be fine. Are you completing the IGETC?


Since you are in California, UCs and CSUs generally want you to apply for a fall semester that will be after you complete 60 semester units (including course requirements for transfer admission and major preparation) by the preceding spring semester. For example, if you want to apply for fall 2022 transfer admission, you need to complete 60 semester units (including the course requirements) by spring 2022.

A few campuses may have lower division transfer admission for those who will not have 60 units, and a few campuses may have spring transfer admission. However, such campuses may be limited, and admission selectivity less predictable. Lower division transfer also requires high school records.

If you do not expect to reach 60 semester units until fall 2022, then your options are:

  • Apply for lower division transfer for fall 2022 → CSUEB, HSU, CSUMA, SFSU, CSUSM, SSU, CSUStan, possibly some UCs
  • Apply for junior transfer for spring 2023 → CSUCI, CSUEB, HSU, CSUSac, SFSU, SJSU, CSUSM, CSUStan (this list is of campuses accepting spring 2022 applications; there may be changes for spring 2023)
  • Apply for junior transfer for fall 2022 → all UC and CSU campuses.

Application Dates & Deadlines | CSU can show you which CSU campuses accept lower division transfer or spring transfer applications.

UC web sites say that some campuses may admit a small number of lower division transfers and to check the campus web sites for information. UC does not offer the option of applying to enter in a semester or quarter other than fall.


Yes! I’m following IGETC - From the looks of it I’m almost done with my basic GE, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be satisfied by next Fall along with my other major courses