<p>@strive101: You’ll still be able to get an apartment. But I will say, make SURE you answer the phone when they call you to ask you which one you want. If you don’t, they’ll leave a message and you’ll be stuck calling them back, but everyone they call after you then goes ahead of you until they hear back. If you’re adamant on getting a single, keep an eye on that phone religiously until it rings. They’ll email you around selection time to let you know what week they’ll be calling. I’m in a single, but got the VERY last one because they called the wrong number initially. I actually live with the RA, but he’s pretty cool. Also, current Village residents get to select before incoming transfers. I think our selection day is tomorrow or something. </p>
<p>The atmosphere is pretty cool, but definitely NOT a party place. There’s I-House (International House) next to The Village in ERC that’s party central, but it’s pretty mellow at The Village. I’m in Village East, which just opened this year. I’ve definitely seen plenty of parties broken up, one of which involved the UCPD. They don’t mess around and will write you up. They also have some rules I don’t necessarily like (no beer pong, for example, even if you’re not loud and everyone is 21+) but you are allowed to have guests over and alcohol if you’re over 21, so it’s not terrible. I personally prefer it this way since I can get studying done during finals. They also have study rooms down below the apartments, so that’s cool. </p>
<p>As for the furnishings… this is my one MAJOR issue with The Village. The couches are incredibly uncomfortable for one person, much less multiple. They’re super cheap. I brought a giant Love Sac, which everyone loves and envies that sees it. The couches don’t get used for anything other than a clothes/backpack drop. Second, the chairs they give you in your room are worthless. They’re basically cheap, plastic cafeteria chairs. I would HIGHLY recommend bringing your own padded chair. 3/5 in my apartment are currently stacked on top of one another in the bathroom and another one is used as a towel rack. Only one guy actually sits in his. You do get a TV stand. I brought a 60" set and rented a cable DVR from Time Warner for ~$20 a month. The DVR was crucial. Without it, you get like 1/10th the amount of channels and most of them look like crap (even the DVR ones, they’re “fuzzy”) </p>
<p>Definitely no condescension toward transfers on campus. Matter of fact, most the people I’ve met are fellow transfers. But no, never had an issue with a student/prof taking issue with me being a transfer. And hey, I have a 3.97 GPA so anything they say doesn’t hold much weight anyway
I’ve already done research work since I’ve been here (TA offered it to me) and got selected for a “beta” class by the department chair. They love transfers!</p>
<p>@lawlking: The Village doesn’t empty out on weekends, but it does during holiday breaks. I’ve met new friends, but not really from The Village, mostly from classes and events. I hang out with my old roommates from summer and their friends, but overall I wouldn’t say The Village is a social hub.</p>