I'm an international student planning to study in South Korea

Hey guys im a high school senior (class of 2022) basically im gonna graduate school next year. Im studying in India in CBSE curriculum. Im interested in studying in South Korea. I wanted to know what educational requirements do i need to enroll myself into a college there and is participating in extracurricular mandatory. I have actually looked into Seoul National University but as of wht i’ve heard is tht its very tough to get admissions there. So, i would like to know if there are more affordable universities in South Korea.

i know nothing about the South Korean education system but do you speak Korean?

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Just curious but why South Korea?

You might want to google something along the lines of “south korean student messaging board…” kinda like how UK students have (the)studentroom.co.uk*, I think there might be a website just for South Korean kids, but obviously they’re going to be speaking Korean there. You should probably read what they’re talking about, or ask them directly the same question about cheapest universities

*remove the parentheses, CC was censoring the website when I typed it in.