<p>Im fairly good at tennis. Varsity 4 yrs. Im also an asian male. Will this be a hook because most asians dont do sports? Or is tennis just to much of a generic asian sport.</p>
<p>Im also fairly good at chess. Varsity 2 yrs. Pretty high elo rating. A hook? Or to generic for asians?</p>
<p>What can I do to really stand out from other asians...I have the scores, the grades, the recs, the internships, etc.</p>
<p>Chess is only a hook at about three schools--Univ of Texas at Dallas (which actually gives full four-year scholarships to top-flight chess players that win certain tournaments and promise to play for the team during the four year period they are in school), UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)--which has top flight grandmasters as college professors, and Harvard--which actually has a decent chess team that competes often in the major tournaments.</p>
<p>P.S. I guess you can tell I'm a rated chessplayer.</p>