I'm close to admission....right?

<p>Back on Nov. 19th i got my fully (or 'tripled') qualified letter from usma. today i received news from my congressman that i won his nomination. Am i close to getting a LOA or an appointment? (all application forms have been done since early november)</p>

<p>Congratulations on being triple qualified and receiving a nomination! You are now eligible to compete for a cadetship.</p>

<p>Do you know what method your Congressman uses? Did you receive a principal nomination?</p>

<p>I have copied this from my previous post last year:
Since this is the time when MOC nominations are announced, it might be helpful to explain what happens after MOC nominations have been submitted to WP admissions. A nomination is the legal authority that USMA needs to consider a candidate for an appointment. Each MOC and the VP are allowed 5 cadetships at USMA at any one time. Each may nominate up to 10 candidates to fill each vacant cadetship (usually 1 vacancy a year, therefore 1 slate of 10 nominees per year).</p>

<p>MOC Nomination Method:</p>

<p>Principal method: principal nominees, if fully qualified, are notified of their appointments immediately after their file evaluation is completed. If the principal is disqualified or declines the offer, admissions goes down the list in accordance with the MOC method used. </p>

<p>Principal with Numbered Alternates method: if the principal is disqualified or declines the offer, the First Alternate is evaluated – if qualified offered admission. If not the Second Alternate is evaluated etc.</p>

<p>Principal with Competing Alternates method: if the principal declines or is disqualified, the Competing Alternate who is fully qualified with the highest Whole Candidate Score (WCS), is offered admission. Should the selected candidate decline the offer of admission, the next fully qualified candidate in order of merit (WCS) is offered the appointment – and so on down the line of qualified candidates. </p>

<p>Competitive method: after each candidate on the nomination list is evaluated, the candidates are rank-ordered using the Whole Candidate Evaluation, and the appointment is offered to the fully qualified candidate with the highest WCS. Should the selected candidate decline the offer of admission, the next fully qualified candidate in order of merit (WCS) is offered the appointment – and so on down the line of qualified candidates. </p>

<p>National Waiting List (NWL): The waiting list contains the names of all fully qualified candidates not yet offered admission. Candidates are rank ordered on this list and offers of admission are made to bring the incoming class to the desired size. “Qualified Alternates” must be chosen by WCS. “Additional Appointees” are chosen without regard for WCS.</p>

<p>If you received a principal nomination then you’re pretty much in.</p>

<p>If not then now you will be competing with all others who received a nomination from that congressman.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m pretty close but I have no idea when the LoA should be in the mail. My file is all green, meaning im all good to go with teacher evaluations, CFAs, personal statements, transcripts and such. Also, I got a call today from Sen. John Kerry’s office saying that I have been selected as the nominee. They didn’t specify whether I was the principal or not. Any idea how close I am?</p>

<p>You may not get an LOA. They are not sent to every qualified candidate. Very few are actually given out, so the majority, the very big majority, of West Point Cadets never received one. In many instances LOAs are received very early in the admission process, before evaluations, CFAs, nominations, etc. If you are fully qualified, and have received a nomination, it’s time to wait. And wait. And wait. And wait some more.</p>

<p>and wait. and wait some more.</p>

<p>My S has alt nom and just rec’d a letter from dodmerb that the admissions office applied for a waiver for him. Does this mean he will be accepted if waiver is granted? (his file is complete).</p>

<p>Thanks for the info, my JROTC instructor told me he spoke to admissions and said I should hear from them in early January, so fingers crossed…
Also, i got a letter today from Sen. Kerry’s office congratulating me on my nomination to the AIR FORCE ACADEMY!?! Hopefully it’s a typo…</p>

<p>“S has alt nom and just rec’d a letter from dodmerb that the admissions office applied for a waiver for him. Does this mean he will be accepted if waiver is granted? (his file is complete).”</p>

<p>Once your son is fully qualified and has a nomination he will compete for a cadetship - see post #2 above.</p>

<p>“Also, i got a letter today from Sen. Kerry’s office congratulating me on my nomination to the AIR FORCE ACADEMY!?! Hopefully it’s a typo…”</p>

<p>Did you ask for a nomination to the USAFA? You may want to call and check with Sen Kerry’s office.
Good luck!</p>