Im confused, please help?

<p>Ok so im filling out college apps and when it asks if i am hispanic or latino I of course pick yes. But what throws me off is when they ask to identify my race. My mom is 1/2 black, which makes me 1/4 black so should i put that or should i put white? Also my dad is of indegenous descent so can I put Native American as well? What impact would the race I choose have on my college application?</p>

<li><p>Read post #1 of the Definition sticky thread at the top of this forum.</p></li>
<li><p>Use the Search function for ‘NA’, ‘native american’, and/or ‘indigenous’, there are several past threads that have discussed this issue.</p></li>

<p>Well I went to my counselor today and talked to her about it and we both decided that putting native american was too amibuous and could get a little hairy since that category is aimed mostly torwards North American Indians and their tribes. She said I should put Black since my mother’s dad (my grandfather) is black. If I do identify myself as black and Hispanic will colleges and admission officers consider me multiracial or will I still be an Hispanic in their eyes?</p>

<p>Hispanic is not exactly considered a race, it is an ethnicity. So you can be black and Hispanic and not be multiracial.</p>

<p>Yes, the NA category is mainly targeted at NA tribes in No. America, however, it does explicitly state in the CA “Including all Original Peoples of the Americas”.</p>

<p>I agree with nina, your ethnicity is Hispanic. It seems like you are multiracial, as your mother only part AA and your father is not AA.</p>