I'm Failing My History class! help?

<p>This is my first year of college and I'm passing my english and bussiness class but I'm failing history 101. So far we took 2 quizes and a midterm and I failed all three. I go to class everyday, take notes, and study every night but it doesn't cut it. I put so much effort in this class and I get a bad grade in return. Everytime I go to his office he's not there and I email him but he doesn't respond. He always cancels class every week so we move dates on our test and he just confuses me with everything. Seems like he enjoys watching half of the class fail! Basically I'm freaking out because I have 2 more quizes and a final. So I'm trying to pull it off the only thing that I'm worried about is failing and not getting anymore finiacial aid. </p>

<p>Anybody have suggestions??</p>

<p>ps. my teacher has high standards because he used to teach at oxford so im pretty intimidated and we don't have extra credit options in his class and no grade on homework or anything. Your grade is based off your test and quizes</p>