Im Finally In!!!!!!!!!!

<p>WOW it has been the longest wait ever. App complete 11/19, accepted today!!!! and im from NJ if any of you were wondering. I AM SO HAPPY!!!!! I literally almost had a nervous breakdown the other day b/c i was so worried i wasnt going to get into any of my match/reaches and i didnt know how i felt about going to a safety school. what a relief. and just for any of you that havent heard and are nervous, i finally decided last week to calculate my Michigan GPA and iwas horrified by how their system totally KILLED my gpa but i still got in so dont worry guys!!!!! good luck everyone else!! : )</p>

<p>haha wow that WAS a long wait. i had my app completed 11/16 and my letter was dated jan 22nd. congrats! BTW im from jersey too, what school do you go to?</p>

<p>question how do u check the status of ur app???</p>

<p> create a friends account (u'll need your UMID)</p>

<p>yeah im from jersey too- it took from dec 7 and it was dated march 4- soo long</p>

<p>where dou get UMID from?
i saw my deferral letter and itw asnt on it</p>

<p>mkwon86: try calling them to ask about your UMID. </p>

<p>Also, what are your stats, swooshstar9? Congrats on getting in by the way =) I wish I could start a topic like this and have it be truthful..haha. sadly, i'm deferred. but if it means i'll get in eventually, any length of wait time will be worth it.</p>

<p>I told you you would hear back by early March! hehe Congratulations.</p>

not too god
Unweighted : 3.4 UM : 3.51
SAT I : 540 Verbal 800 Math
SAT II : 760 Math IIc, 730 Ic, 580 Writing
some sports captain
all state music</p>

<p>mkwon, is English your native tongue? If not, I would say you have a good shot at Michigan. Otherwise, you still have a decent chance. I would not panic.</p>

<p>congrats =P </p>

<p>sorry you had to wait so long</p>

<p>I sent mine in Jan 31, accepted march 4th... took only roughly 1 month...;)</p>

<p>ME TOO YAY OMG I'M SO HAPPY FINALLY I GOT INTO COLLEGE! so anyway, i sent mine in feb 1st and got a letter dated march 4th. oh hell yes. HELL yes. I AM NOT A FAILURE (finally)</p>

<p>I came here 5 years ago from korae</p>

<p>If you made it clear that you grew up in Korea and that English is not your native language, I think you have a very good chance at Michigan...especially if it is obvious that your grades suffered as a result of your moving from Korea to the US.</p>

<p>Congratulations to Ichi and Freckly!</p>

i ve been waiting for
5 months and
i really want to go to Michigan :-(
is there anything i can do?
should i give them a call?</p>

<p>I knew we'd have some happy posts this week. Congratulations to those of you with decisions!</p>

<p>Yea I was accepted as well, to the engineering school! I am so psyched!
SAT I: 670v 730m, sat ii:770 iic, 740 chem, 650 writing</p>

<p>Wow my application was only completed last week. It took forever for them to get all my stuff.</p>

<p>Wow..all of your SAT scores are great..mine doesnt come close..CONGRATS PPL!!..MKWON GOOD LUCK! app was completed 1/18 received letter 2/14</p>