I'm freaking out.

<p>I sent in my paper application on the 29th to several colleges.
I have heard back from only two of them.
How long does it take for them to write me an email?!
I am so worried that things got lost..</p>

<p>PTI, it takes very little time to send an email, but these people are inundated right now and your paper application requires some time consuming data entry on their part. Look through the application information for each school and figure out when they anticipate letting you know that your application was received (if they even send notices automatically). When it gets to be some time past that, you need to call them or do what their application information suggests to verify your application was received. </p>

<p>And next time you have something important, consider paying a few extra dollars to get delivery confirmation from the post office.</p>

<p>Also, keep in mind that schools have different schedules and some may only have just now returned to full swing operations after a winter break.</p>

I did order delivery information.
the problem is that i live in europe and the last (and final) message i got was that things are now in the USA.
does anybody else who sent in paper apps receive an email yet or are you still waiting too?</p>

<p>Keep in mind that the colleges are laden with applications right now. Thousands of them are pouring in and they have to review and carefully evaluate each and every one of them. You will get a decision soon enough.</p>

<p>im not talking about the decision letter, but a notification that my stuff arrived…</p>

<p>Well the stress caught up with me today. I blacked out during class today. Had to be extracted from the class via wheel chair. :)</p>

<p>oh wow… im not feeling that bad… but id be relieved if somebody had a similar experience (not having notifications yet…)</p>

<p>First of all, BREATHE. Stop freaking out, it won’t do any good.</p>

<p>You could try calling schools and asking if they have received your applications.</p>

<p>When I was a sophomore and I saw seniors freaking out I kind of thought it was funny how they were making a big deal out of everything. </p>

<p>Of course now I know what 1 hour and 30 minutes of sleep everyday feels like. It sucks. The constant worrying is bound to bring a lot of people anxiety attacks.</p>