I'm from New Jersey...


<p>So I am stuck at home on a Saturday night writing college essays. Yipee! Anyway, Mac is one of my top choices. However, I am from NJ and I can't visit because of cost; in addition, Mac doesn't come near my school when it visits the East Coast. I've requested information from them, and received mail regularly from them, I've perused the website, etc. What else can I do to show interest? I'd love to attend Mac. Also, is there any way I can get an off-campus interview?</p>

<p>Finally, here comes the inevitable: do you think I can even get in?</p>

<p>I'm a white female from NJ (cue the violins) and attend a nationally ranked public high school. I don't think we have any real relationship with Mac, however.</p>

SAT: 2230 composite, CR: 800, M: 680, W: 750 (first time, I got a CR 700, M 660, W 730)
SAT II: US History: 780, Math I: 720, French w/listening: 790
ACT: 33 composite, 36 E, 36 R, 32 M, 28 S
AP: US Gov & Pol: 5, US History: 5 (self-studied)</p>

Nearly perfect transcript in the hardest courses. I'm taking 6 APs this year, took one last year. Other than that, pretty much all honors. My weighted GPA is a 4.27.</p>

-Leadership -- President of French Club 11-12, Founder & President of Darfur Action Club 10-12, News editor of school newspaper 11-12, Peer Counselor (freshman mentor, apply to be one) 11-12
-Sports -- Cross country 9-12, Winter track 9-10, Spring track 9-11
-Clubs -- French Club 9-12, Darfur 10-12, newspaper 10-12, ALPS (a special application only leadership thing) 9-12, Ambassadors (work @ back to school night, tour new kids, etc) 10-12, volunteered for a political campaign this summer (we lost, :_(), Model UN 10-12, [MAY NOT INCLUDE THESE: Model Congress 10, Physics team 11]
-Work -- Dunkin' Donuts since summer after 10 (40 hrs/wk during summer, 8 hrs/wk during school year), Tutor 2 kids in French, steady babysitting job since 6th grade (8 hrs/wk)
-Volunteer -- summer volunteer at the public library since 6th grade
-Other -- Weekly columnist for my local town newspaper.</p>

-National Merit Semifinalist 12
-National Honor Society 12
-French National Honor Society 10-12
-Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society) 12
-Represented my high school for the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing; my work was recommended for online publication 11
-Nominated to attend the New Jersey Scholars Program 11</p>

<p>Thank you so much!!!</p>

<p>zlin, you look to me like a very strong candidate for Mac. I’d be surprised if you were rejected, especially if you don’t ask for aid.</p>

<p>I’d say you have a very solid shot. Are you applying to ivies? I’d say you have a great chance for those as well!</p>

<p>Thank you both for the input!! I will be asking for aid, however.</p>

<p>And no, paul09, I am not applying to any Ivies, there’s no way I could get in!! But thanks for the compliment :)</p>

<p>Do either of you have any recommendations on solidifying my relationship with Mac? Should I email a professor or my admissions person or something? Thanks again.</p>

<p>I suggest you try to start an email relationship with your admissions representative whose name and contact information you can get from the Mac website. You might inquire whether he or she will be in your area at any point in the time period before admissions decisions are made, and you might also inquire whether or not Mac has alumni representatives in your area with whom you might be in touch and interview. I know that Mac reps do get to the east coast, but as you said, they may not venture into the particular part of New Jersey you call home. If you do decide to email your rep, you might ask any questions you have about Mac in general or the specific majors and programs in which you are most interested. You might then inquire whether there is a particular professor in that area or with knowledge of the programs that interest you that you might be in touch with via email. That would give you the opportunity to begin establishing a relationship with the rep for your area who will be reading your application and advocating on your behalf and on behalf of others in his/her territory. Additionally, you would gain the chance to be in touch with someone in your area of interest, and then might be able to mention or refer to that person in future contact with your admissions rep. All of this will be a positive for you.</p>

<p>My son interviewed with a local alum. You might explore that avenue with your admissions rep. Also, he happened to participate in a service project run by a Mac alum and asked her to write a letter of rec for him.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for the answers! I will definitely explore these options.</p>