I'm going to try to transfer to UW Madison next Fall what are my chances.

Hello all, I’m looking to transfer to UW Madison next fall. As of right now I have completed 34.00 credits at College of DuPage and I have a College GPA of 3.58, I was wondering if any of you think I have a good chance of getting accepted to Wisconsin? Or have any of you been accepted with a GPA similar to mine?

It would be the Fall semester of 2016.

Admissions is based on much more than your GPA. Based on your GPA alone, you fall within the ‘it’s possible’ category.

I know there is a lot more that goes into it such as recommendations, the essays, and the official transcripts. I just want to see how my GPA is looking compared to others that have transferred to Madison and have gotten accepted, or if I’m just a long shot from making itin terms of that GPA

I transferred with a GPA of 3.767, but that is just small piece of my application puzzle.

Your gpa is significantly higher than the 3.0 I have seen as being the lowest for consideration per the UW transfer web site.

Something to consider for your second year at your other college. Not all credits necessarily transfer. Consider this when selecting courses in the fall. Also consider being as well prepared for the UW courses in your proposed major so you can do well. This is something you need to deal directly with UW- our opinions on which courses you have taken will transfer is meaningless. Go straight to the source- email UW with specific questions.

Thank you wis75, I appreciate the help.