<p>Obviously, not really. My question actually is:
Where the heck can I find USABO local tests administered in the past? What about regional/national/semi-finalist/whatever?
If you have any ideas, i.e. website links, I'd be eternally grateful. Much respect.
I ask this because I know there are a ton of past USNCO local and national tests all over the place online, but I can't seem to find any BO ones. I know IBO recommends taking the CBO for practice, and they have some sample questions and stuff, and the Australian tests are apparently okay, but I'd feel better if I could run through a few of the real deals first.
Thanks a ton, and I'll be sure to help y'all out if you ever need it too.</p>
<p>wiki posts past tests and solutions online. search for it.</p>
<p>I searched “USABO”, “IBO”, “open”, “past”, and all the other combos I could think of–nothing came up…?
Hmm. Would you happen to have a link?
<p>[USABO</a> - OpenWetWare](<a href=“http://openwetware.org/wiki/USABO]USABO”>USABO - OpenWetWare) is probably what anhtimmy means. It’s your best bet. Good luck.</p>
<p>Cool, thanks you guys.
I’ll just go with the Australian tests/CBO, then?
Unless anyone else happens to have a link–if it exists, I’d appreciate it a ton.
But in any case, thanks again, y’all rock.</p>
<p>I have found a couple of past exams. I’ll send them once I get a chance. what’s CBO btw?</p>
<p>I’m guessing it’s the Canadian version of IBO?</p>