I'm homesick, any new ideas?

<p>First semester in college was absolutely miserable for me. I had just moved 2000 miles away with my mom and dad the week before move in day at school, leaving my brother and sister and friends back home, and then moved into school. During that time, I had rushed for a sorority and hated every second of it. Granted, I didn't do myself a favor and try to enjoy it, but I couldn't find it in me to even want to try. only three days in, I wanted to desperately go home. Then, my roommates moved in. We were completely opposite, all four of us having nothing in common. My one roommate and I have become great friends, but at the time, the third roommate was constant trash talking me behind my back so that didn't help make my time at school any better. The fourth roommate keeps to herself, and that's fine, but I never really found a friend in her. Since then, My third roommate dropped out due to financial problems and we had gotten a new one. This new roommate makes our lives miserable. She's dirty, inconsiderate, talks behind our backs and thinks she's God's gift to the world. By this time she had moved in, my time at school had gotten better. My homesickness was settling a bit, I got into a routine, Sorority life was okay and I had a few good friends I could rely on. Since I was feeling better about all of this, I could somewhat deal with her and life was going relatively well.</p>

<p>Fast forward to now, I have come back for second semester after thinking I could never make it through the first. For the first two months, I was 100% sure I was going to transfer to a branch closer to home but got over that and began enjoying myself a bit. Now, The problem is I think I've come back with more home sickness and longing to go back. My roommate isn't helping the situation and is only creating more stress because I can't stand being around her. I think my life was improving last semester simply on the idea in my head that breaks were pretty often and I would be able to home. Now, It's six weeks until I get to go home again, and that's enough to bring me down completely. All I want is to go home and relieve the stress of living here and the college work load. I always want to talk to my mom, but realize that I shouldn't be doing that because I'll never learn how to cope being away from home and last semester I drove my mom sick from my phone calls everyday about hating it here and wanting to come home. I can't do that to her again. I'm not really enjoying my sorority as much as I should be and sometimes consider dropping it. My better friends are all outside of it, and I find it kind of superficial, but I think I should keep trying to like it.</p>

<p>I think my main problem is homesickness and hating change, which hopefully is understandable, but I also can't stand girls talking about me behind my back when that's never happened to me before. I can't continue my college career counting down the days until I get home, and I can't go back to how I was first semester, but I don't know what else I can do to sort out this problem.</p>

<p>Does your school have a student health clinic? Maybe it would be helpful to make an appointment to talk to a counselor at your school’s student health clinic who presumably has experience assisting new students in adjusting to college life.</p>