<p>What steps should I take to getting to this goal?
I’ve heard of people in my major getting in, we just have to take the right courses and pass the MCAT - but should I remain in my major and just start taking the prep classes? Or should I make the major change (I’ve heard its very difficult)? Is it OK to stay in the university more than four years to accomplish both goals? Or should I complete one and then pursue the other because I’m still declared as IR? (Though honestly that seems somewhat useless considering I want to go into the medical field)</p>
<p>Please Help! Thank you :)</p>
No worries, this is actually pretty common among pre-meds. You don’t need a certain major to get into medical school. There are three important things, in this order: GPA, MCAT Score, Extracurriculars.</p>
<p>Are you still interested in IR? If you are, then keep that as your major, but make sure you finish all the pre-medical classes as well (before you apply to medical school and take the MCAT)! It is definitely okay to stay for more than four years, just keep in mind that financial aid may not cover a 5th year.</p>
<p>If you’ve got any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.</p>