I'M IN!....ED II accepted students!

<p>Hey all,
this is actually my first post here, but I wanted to try and find others who were accepted into the Emory '09 class, like others who were accpeted with me ED II....anyways, I would love to find out who's going, and start talking, either through the threads or AIM or whatever.....my AIM SN is misscackle22, feel free to drop me a note!
Oh, I know how much you all love the stats so:</p>

<p>1400 SAT I (700 v, 700 m), 3.93 uw from my school, and then i also spent a year in DC so i have 2 gpa they see, top 3 sat II: 640 writing, 600 us history, 570 chem....(i am ashamed! :) ) and i'm from new jersey</p>

<p>i look forward to hearing from my future classmates!</p>


<p>congratulations! I'm still waiting for mine.(RD)</p>

<p>hey new jersey accepted here too lol and 780m 660v-1440 3.9w/3.6uw. IM-ijm8710 for aol where in jersey</p>

<p>berkeley heights.....its about 20 miles from nyc....northern, union county......</p>

<p>o kool i live about hour from nyc close to brookdale</p>

<p>i also got in ed2 and wanted to start getting to know some people. i'm realllly excited. i'm from connecticut and my sn's skibabe8128. if anyone wants to im me id love to talk!</p>

<p>i was accepted ed2! i'm (a girl) from the woodlands, texas, and realllllllllllllllllly excited! my sn is dontmkemetrimble on aim if anyone wants to talk!</p>