I'm in High School and want to do Foreign Exchange

<p>I'm 16 and a junior in high school. I'm really interested in doing a Foreign Exchange program and I was wondering how much this could affect college and high school. Like, next year I'll be a senior, and I could miss that. What if the credits don't transfer over? What if I had to repeat senior year but with the class of 2011 and not 2010?
If credits transfer, how much would that affect my college application, studying abroad my senior year?
And let's say I do miss senior year. How much would that affect me, do you think?</p>

<p>I really want to do this and I feel like if I don't I'll be missing out on something I'll end up regretting...</p>

<p>THEN DO IT!!!
i mean really talk to your guidance counsler and see if they would transfer over or not and if they do, well DO IT!!!</p>

<p>Ask your counselor if the credits transfer over. If they don’t, I personally think it would be better to just wait a year and study abroad during college instead.</p>