<p>lol oasis. thats the spirit! but i dont know if i believe in that whole "meant for me" "not meant for me" thing. that whole "fate" and "everything happens for a reason" just seems to be some mumbo jumbo ppl invent so they dont feel bad about failing.</p>
<p>Seriously, guys - Princeton is an amazing place, and I hope you all get in, but there are more important things to pray about. Good luck, though!</p>
<p>welll yeah...I pray about other things besides that haha. but I think the place where I spend the next 4 years of my life is pretty important too!</p>
that whole "fate" and "everything happens for a reason" just seems to be some mumbo jumbo ppl invent so they dont feel bad about failing.
<p>I know what you mean, but I don't believe in fate; I believe in divine guidance. I think that no matter what happens a divine power (God) has control of where he wants me to go, so I'm open to his leading.</p>
<p>But that's just me and my religious beliefs. To each his own.</p>
<p>lol i am talking about junior papers and senior thesis. amnesia, I did stem cell research over the summer at P'ton. I met many undergrads, grads, and post docs. They all rave about 1 thing: only 2k grads total, so a lot of research opps. for undergrads.</p>