I'm looking for a few more colleges to add to my list.

<p>I'm looking for a few more colleges with decent communications programs, international business/studies major, located in a large city (NYC, Boston, etc.), has SOMEWHAT(doesn't have to be the typical campus, but at least like one grassy lawn or something) of a campus-feel, and looks good on resumes.</p>

<p>So far my top choices are:
*Loyola University Chicago
*Boston University
*New York University
*Florida International University</p>

<p>What are some more that I would like?</p>

<p>GA tech is in ATL and has a great business program</p>

<p>and its very green to…its a neat campus that is right in the city but the campus itself is together and nice</p>

Syracuse-good program, not the best city

<p>Johns Hopkins definitely. Right in baltimore. Great for business and international relations</p>

<p>American + George Washington-DC
Tulane- New Orleans
Emory- Atlanta
Villanova- Philadelphia</p>

<p>Boston University is a great choice but why is it on your list when you want a more classical campus feel? Isn’t BU campus just one long street? </p>

<p>Anyways, I second Johns Hopkins and Northwestern. You already chose NYU, i think NYU would be the best for your area of interest though.</p>

<p>Pitt’s where it’s at.</p>

<p>Villanova is not located in the city.</p>

<p>University of Maryland
University of Minnesota- Twin Cities
University of Washington- Seattle


<p>GWU, Fordham, Pitt, Tulane, maybe UChicago, Penn, Emory-may be too suburban for you, Vanderbilt,</p>

<p>^^Emory/vandy>>no communications major or program…but can probably self-create…</p>



<p>if you’re looking for a typical campus, then NYU really isn’t for you…</p>

<p>ooops didn’t read about the programs you wanted-sorry!</p>

<p>Most of the schools mentioned above DO NOT have communications programs. I suggest Syracuse, UMiami, USC, Northwestern.</p>