I am new to this board and I am really big on getting into Penn State University Park. I was looking through previous threads and with my stats I am in the Yellow dots. My GPA is roughly 3.750 and my SATs were somewhere in th 1500's/2400. Also my extracurriculars are very good. I am applying for the College of Education and I did say I want summer session. I heard that the college of education is not difficult to get into and with my stats I should be fine, according to numerous students who are freshman there now. Can anyone verify this or let me know what you think? thanks in advance!!!</p>
<p>I have no experience with the School of Education, but I do have a questions for you. Is your 3.750 GPA weighted or unweighted? If it is unweighted, you will be in fine shape, as the bubble chart is based off of weighted GPA. As for your SATs, 1500/2400 is low for University Park. As far as extra curriculars go, Penn State is generally not looking too much into these, as they have too many applicants to sift through for UP, but for boarderline applicants, they will consider them further. One last question, did you apply early…like August early? This will/ would help you.</p>
<p>I am not sure of the GPA because my school only gives out 1 GPA, and this is the one in which PSU will see. I have taken 8 Honors classes, and will be in an AP next semester. My SATs though were not 1500, they were higher but im not 100 percent sure of what they were (lower than 1600 but higher than 1500). I applied to PSU in September, in the middle of the month, so I was pretty early, i also chose that I wanted to do summer</p>
<p>honestly, i think your going to get a branck campus…which is definately NOT a bad thing. Penn State’s Two + Two plan is great from what ive heard, and most importantly its a Penn State education and in the end, the diploma is all that matters</p>
<p>well i really dont wanna do a branch campus, its either UP or nothing for me i think. I dont we will have to wait and see, cause like people from PSU have told me that I should get in because the Education college isnt as competitive as say business or other hard ones. They would tell me if they didnt think i would get in either. Idk i just have to wait now</p>
<p>well as i said, i do not know much about education, so if several people told you this, that is definately positive. Good luck, and I hope you get it!</p>
<p>Applying to a less competitive college doesn’t neccessarily mean that you can get in with below average stats. If the admissions staff doesn’t think you can handle UP freshmen year they are going to defer you to a branch. And I don’t know where you heard that info about the college of education being less competitive than others. There are a lot of students who apply into that college every year.</p>
<p>my stats aren’t below average, just the SATs, dont look at my SATs and assume im below average for PSU. everything else is right in the middle for PSU, and 2/3 of the decision is on the GPA. As for knowing its less competitive, my friend goes there now and is in the college of education. She asked some people and there were a handful of people she talked to who had below 1000/1600 on there SATs. I mean im just saying what i know, and i hope I get in, but i was just asking if anyone knows anything about the college of education. good luck to all!</p>
<p>I did not mean to imply that your stats were below average. </p>
<p>Remember though, what has been average for previous years may not be true for this year as PSU has a lot more applications this year than previous years.</p>
<p>true, thats a good point. oh well i cant change anything that i have done, so hopefully UP finds that even though my SATs arent high, that they still beat some of the kids they have there now, and see that I was very active in my community and high school and still maintained a solid GPA</p>