<p>White Female from Michigan
12/521 (I believe.) Somewhat competitive school.
Both parents went to college but never graduated.</p>
Fresh-Junior UW- 3.89 W-4.03 (Sick 2nd semester of fresh yr... grades suffered, 3 b's)
Soph-Junior UW-3.96 W- 4.17</p>
<p>ACT- 33
Haven't taken SAT yet but my PSAT scores were really ihigh although I can't remember exact scores though.</p>
<p>AP Classes (including next year's)
Calc AB
Calc BC
European History
World History
English (Lit and Comp)
<p>AP Tests: All of the above plus Psychology (5), Biology (5), Government (5), Statistics, and Spanish.</p>
<p>Recs: Teachers: Great. All of my teachers love me.
Counselor: Don't know because it'll be a new counselor next year. Which is good because mine hated me for some reason.</p>
<p>ECs (weak)
Debate Club (10th-12th)
Model UN (11-12). Many trips to Model UN at U Mich.
National Honor Society (11-12)
Basketball (9. Injury, could only do city sports after.)
City Sports (Basketball, softball, volleyball, swimming)- 11 years.
Volunteer Coaching- 5 years. 3 teams a year for inner city kids. 3 hours at least a day. g
Well over 300 hours of community service (Not something I kept track of =[)
Basketball Referee- 2 years. 6 Hours every weekend.
Volunteer Umpire- 3 summers.
Part-time Job.
2 summers at CTD program at Northwestern.
Piano 6 years. Self-taught but never did any concerts or anything. Just entertained children at my community center at an after-school program.
One strange fact: Technically I am an plumbing apprentice. I could get my journeyman's before I go to college. Hey, women plumbers get paid at lot of money. =] Haha.</p>