<p>I’ve been so worried ever since I took them because I didn’t have time to do prep and I knew I could have done better because I only answered like 45/60 questions because I didn’t have enough time. I’m so worried they’ll reject me b/c of these but I know my scores are lower than what I actually know since I didn’t even get to a big section of the tests! </p>
<p>literature 610, us history 570, spanish 570</p>
<p>Also, I took these on Dec 4 which was the last time I could get the scores back in time…but I was wondering if I could take them in January and send them after the deadline? does anyone know if they let you do that? I just know I would do better because I know I would have to go super fast to get through the test…but anyway if these are the only scores I can send (which I’m sure they are because the deadline is Jan 1 I believe) then will they ruin my chances? I just hope based on my better SAT I scores (didn’t do any prep for that either but did okay) they’ll know these don’t really reflect my knowledge…yikes I really want to get in!</p>
<p>thanks for everyone who read all of that! It means a lot
(and I know you can’t tell me if I’ll get in or not, but I just need someone else’s opinion b/c to me they’re awful scores!!) thank you!</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure SAT IIs are lower in the eternal “pile of knowledge” that the adcoms look at. Essays are at the top. Or so the adcom who did my admissions meeting said.</p>
<p>hmm idk, they might be a little lower than the average…but yet again idk.
mine were around yours aswell so im wondering the same thing.</p>
<p>from what im hearing, i believe that test scores arent too important to barnard, they focus more on your essays and personality.</p>
<p>thank you! I suppose all I can do is send them and hope for the best haha…thanks and good luck to you!</p>
<p>I got in with 550 litt and 610 ushistory</p>
<p>yay thank you SO much figureskater!! That raises my hopes a lot!! Congratulations on getting in!</p>
<p>Thanks! Glad I could help. Look over the decision thread, some people do have lower SATIIs.</p>
<p>i think you’ll be fine, as long as you make up for it in other areas of your application. i’m going to columbia with 660’s on both my SAT II’s. I had the same problem with my tests: just couldn’t finish them in time, and lost a lot of unnecessary points. i personally think they’re pretty poorly designed tests, and as a result don’t carry nearly as much weight as other admission factors. either way, as long as you’re strong in other areas and balance out your lower scores, you’ll be ok</p>