I'm not at 5% of class. should i apply early?

UW gpa:3.7 ish
took maximum number of honors and ap courses. Weighted gpa: 4.25
according to our school's system.
ranked 47/742 hm...</p>

<p>Act:34 eng:35 math:35 reading:33 sci:31
SAT II world history: 780
math IIC :760
AP: Physics: 5
US history: 4</p>

<p>Scholastic Bowl 7-11
MVP in a tournament</p>

<p>Math Team 7-11
State qualifier
I carried the junior team pretty much</p>

<p>Band 8-11
District contest: Good rating
voted as most dedicated</p>

300 hours in a local hospital's ER</p>

<p>Writing published in Creative Communication Essay Contest
(a great accomplishment for me because I came to US in 2001)</p>

<p>PSAT: Commended scholar</p>

<p>NHS 11</p>

<p>Tae Kwon Do for 2 years. Even though I started in my freshman year, I broke my foot and couldn't do it for a year. But now I am lead the kids through daily exercises.</p>

<p>JV golf 10</p>

<p>Viking Pride Award - awarded to students with the most impressive improvement. (need teacher nomination) I'm so proud of this because I have tried so hard last two years. And about 30 kids from the whole school get it annually.</p>

<p>Tutored A LOT 10-11
I helped a girl in a remedial math class move up to a regular one.
Also helped a girl in a regular math class move up to an acclerated one. lol
tutured a kid from Korea by talking to him on the phone every week.</p>

<p>should i wait till my 1st semester to apply RD? But i am not even sure if i can get straight A's because of such rigorous course schedule...</p>

<p>what are my chances of getting accepted?</p>

<p>bump !!!!!!!</p>

<p>I will suggest applying early.</p>

<p>I think the worst they will do is defer you, so I'd apply early.</p>

<p>Im with manutd</p>

<p>thx. so i should get good grades in senior yr</p>