<p>Hi guys! I'm new to the forum so bear with me here :)</p>
<p>I was accepted into Exeter two years ago and am entering my upper (junior) year in the fall. I absolutely love it there. My friends and dorm are amazing and I'm very active in the community. I take part in tons of extracurriculars, including StuCo (Student Council), ESSO (the community service group), and more. I've befriended students, teachers, and members of the staff. Exeter is truly a second home to me.</p>
<p>It seems that I fit seamlessly into Exeter..except for my grades. In middle school, I was a straight A student, always getting 95% and higher on tests, papers and final grades. My SSAT score was fairly low for an Exonian standard - only 87%. And when I got to Exeter, I found that I was very far behind other students academically.</p>
<p>The public school system I was raised in before attending Exeter was absolutely horrible and was my main fuel for applying to ten boarding schools, which meant lots of all-nighters and handling amounts of work that would make a college student cringe all in eighth grade. Little did I know that this would prepare me entirely for Exeter! I work extraordinarily hard on homework, usually spending five hours a night working with only a few breaks to call home, grab a snack, or chat/study with a dormmate. This is typical for a dedicated Exonian.</p>
<p>And yet, with all this work, I still receive C's in math and science. I've always been more interested in arts and humanities; I've never received a grade lower than a B+ in English or an A- in history. But I'm still unsatisfied with my grades in math and science, which have been consistently in the low B-low C range since my first term.</p>
<p>Many Exeter teachers are known for being welcoming and easy to receive good help from...but I seem to always get stuck with the few who are either unhelpful or downright mean to students who have difficulty with their class. These teachers get general complaints from all Exonians. (Potential applicants, don't be disheartened by this - I'm sure teachers like these exist at every school you'll look at!)</p>
<p>I guess my question is: am I alone? I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but it breaks my heart when I'm the last one still left taking a test or when my end-of-term comment underneath my C- says "she's dedicated, but just didn't understand the concepts." I also know I shouldn't base my academic experience completely on my grades..but colleges don't see the comments teachers leave about my work ethic and determination. I have certainly learned more at Exeter than I had in eight years of public schooling, even if I perform poorly on math and science tests.</p>
<p>Sorry for the novel...I was just thinking about the upcoming school year and was wondering if anyone else had these issues!</p>