I'm really serious about attending Purdue but I got deferred...

<p>Since I got rejected from UIUC, Purdue is kind of my top choice now. </p>

<p>I applied to Purdue (Liberal Arts) w/ the following stats, and got "7th semester grade request":</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.045
ACT: 27
Top 41% of class
MANY Honors/AP's
Dual Enrollment at CC
Pretty good EC's
A creative/Humorous essay</p>

<p>..but I got the "incomplete items outstanding" and they're requesting my 7th semester grades. (my HS is on trimesters, so first trimester.)</p>

<p>My grades for first trimester were:
AP Spanish: B+
AP Statistics: C- (super hard! I really did try though.)
Honors Physics: B</p>

<p>..and my College Semester ends after this week and I'm anticipating a B in College English and a B (possibly a C but really shouldn't happen) in College Psychology.</p>

<p>The thing is, I'm REALLY serious about Purdue. Should I send in those HS grades immediately on monday to show interest, or should I wait for the dual enrollment grades to come out and send them all at once?</p>

<p>Anddd.. Do you think I have any chance of still getting in? Is there anything I can send with the updated grades that will help me out? </p>


<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Also deferred here…I got a C in AP stats first term too (that class sucks, not gonna lie) as well as a C+ in English. Do you think one C in an AP math class will keep deferred applicants out?</p>

<p>I’m actually kinda shocked that a person with your stats got deferred. If Purdue weighs GPA the same as other Indiana public schools, then your GPA is right within the range of admitted students for last year (providing that it’s higher weighted, which, since you’ve taken many honors/AP classes, it should be), and the ACT score is good too. </p>

<p>And um I pretty much have the same stats, so I’m kinda freaked out now that I won’t get in =/ I applied after November 15.</p>

<p>I think you should still have a chance. Maybe the applicant pool this year is more competitive or something. Since your school goes by trimester, try to get straight A’s for the coming term (even though it’s damn hard with senioritis and everything) and send those grades as well as the 1st trimester ones. I think that’ll show that you’re dedicated to going to the school and you’re willing to do whatever it takes. And I’d definitely send the dual credit transcripts, especially if you avoid getting that C.</p>

<p>Just my two cents. Sorry it’s so long.</p>

<p>I’m also very surprised you got deferred.
I got in with a 3.3 GPA and a 1050 SAT with NO honors classes.
Just good EC’s and good Rec’s along with a good essay.</p>

<p>Work hard the rest of this semester and you will get an acceptance.
good luck</p>

<p>I also had my 7th semester grades requested after I applied to Purdue engineering. I have a 3.7 weigted GPA and a 29 in the ACT with a 29 in math and 30 in science. I have some fairly good EC’s and was very dissappointed when I didn’t get in. This semester I am going to get about a 3.7 again. This school is my top choice and I really want to get in but I do not know what to make of this and whether I will get in or not.</p>

<p>I’m surprised that either of you got deferred, especially bloxpux. A 29 ACT is pretty solid for Purdue…</p>

<p>Im extremely surprised you got deferred. I had a 25 on the act with like a 30 in the math and a 25 or so in the science and I got into engineering. I however had a 3.83 UW gpa, and im a legacy, but I was told that didnt help that much. I had what I thought to be a great essay talking about experiences Ive had on my trips to WL, and things Ive done while I was there.</p>

<p>I cant see how they would reject you, just keep up that gpa. It will all work out in the end.</p>

<p>I feel so bad now. This weekend I was also rejected from UIUC and now Purdue might not want me. I don’t know what else to do!</p>

<p>Bloxpux, I’d be shocked if you don’t get into Purdue. Just send the grades for 1st semester and I’m sure you’ll get in. Hell, you are close to their stats for consideration for the top scholarships!</p>

<p>I’m pretty darn sure that you guys will AT LEAST get accepted or be offered to Undergraduate Studies Program? If you get any rejected letter give the Admissions Office a call and ask if you could be offered a chance to the USP Program. </p>

<p>^ To be honest, I don’t see Bloxpux’s stats getting consideration for top scholarships… But I do see him getting an acceptance letter hopefully. IMHO, I thought Purdue’s admissions criteria wasn’t going to go as high as it seems to be from what I’m reading. I remember reading on campus last year the Exponent which is the campus paper and it said stuff about admissions criteria going up for Fall 2010. I’m really shocked… But I guess thats what they have to do in order to be known as a “harder” school to get into? Since to be honest, Purdue’s acceptance rate is really high compared to other schools of the same caliber and “prestige”.</p>

<p>Vohra500 GPA 3.0 so need your 7th semester grades
bloxpux : don’t believe</p>

<p>This is so frustrating. I just want to go to Purdue, I don’t care if I’m in USP. (I actually applied for that initially, i think it was called “university explorers” or something.)</p>

<p>My essay topic was a bit risky (best advice ever received prompt; I discussed how my dad’s less-than-wise advice about how to get girls broke social barriers for me and made me feel confident when meeting people) and I’m thinking that might have something to do with it. I guess being humorous isn’t always best…</p>

<p>…I just REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want to goooo. I got rejected from UIUC too so I got like double-hosed this weekend…</p>

<p>Purdue has a reconsideration application, do we fill that out and send it to them if we got deferred? Or just the 7th grade semester?</p>

<p>Is the reconsideration app meant for rejection only? </p>

<p>How do you sign up for the Undergraduate Studies Program and what’s that about?</p>

<p>Sorry if that’s asking too many questions!</p>

<p>Jim, read my post, please. I said that his stats are CLOSE to consideration for top scholarships. By that I meant that they are just slightly beneath what he would need for top scholarships, and that is true. Look it up.</p>

<p>My bad for not seeing the word “close”, but still I don’t see his stats. being close to consideration for top scholarships. His stats. are more average and their are A LOT better stats. compared to him that would be closer to getting considerations for the scholarships imho. </p>

<p>I’mOnaBoat, did you talk to your guidance counselor? I would send the grades that you have right now and see what they say. Cause you should technically have your first quarter grades right now. Possibly try to get your current grades in the classes your in right now for the second quarter and add that along to your 1st quarter grades with a teachers signature in each class? For your stats. class see if you can get a letter from the teacher about your performance in class also? Gotta do what you gotta do…</p>

<p>I’m on a Boat - I would also try contacting your Purdue Admissions Counselor from your area to chat about your strong interest in attending Purdue and what you could possibly do to get admitted. You may also want to consider writing a personal letter to admissions about this to accompany your seventh semester grade request. I personally think it is pretty impressive that you are in honors/AP classes - even though your grades may not be tippy top in them (they are not supposed to be) it shows you are committed to challenging yourself regardless.</p>

<p>tonyecc, I’m not lying nor would have a reason to. The only reason I can see why they want to see my grades is my downward grade trend.</p>

<p>Blox, he’s not saying you’re lying. I believe he’s telling you to keep your head up and look forward to the eventual admit decision.</p>

<p>I would DEFINITELY try to get a note from my AP Stats teacher to send along, but he would never write it. He insists that there’s NO reason anyone should get under a B in his class, even though he’s super hard and 52% or kids last term got C’s or worse. He would never vouch for me.</p>

<p>I requested my HS stuff get sent today and my Duel Enrollment is pending and will be sent after the semester ends this week.</p>

<p>…waiting game all over again, yay…</p>

<p>Is it bad to wait till 7th semester?
Does it hurt our chances if we do not send in our quarter grades?</p>