Planning on going to boarding school next year. I’m worried that I will miss out on my younger twin siblings milestones and that we will grow apart. Is this a real concern or I am just worrying about nothing?
I think it’s sweet that you have this concern. My oldest child attended BS lady year for the first time and she has two younger sibs. The youngest was 5yr old and he missed her a ton. One thing they did was to FaceTime each other. Because of her schedule she was home once a month. When she was home they spent lots of time together. He would miss her and it made those monthly trips home even more special. I wouldn’t worry about you and your twin sibs growing apart…Skype them or FaceTime them. They will love that.
It’s the sacrifice you make by going away. I honestly wouldn’t worry but maybe you care about them a whole lot.
You’ll miss out on much of their lives, but many kids say they end up growing closer with their families.