<p>Hey, everybody! I've been mostly absent from this particular forum, as I've decided (well, and colleges have decided for me--I'm convincing myself that it was a mutual thing :D) that I'm not going to be majoring in musical theatre. However, up until just about the time of auditions, I was fully convinced that I was indeed going to be majoring in musical theatre, and had quite a bit of time on my hands. Therefore, I came up with this enormous guide to the Big List.</p>
<p>I started going through the thread from waaay back from the beginning, copying and pasting users' comments (if I came across one that was interesting, informative, or what-have-you) about a particular school underneath its listing and continued doing this almost every time I came to this forum. I also have some general information and included correspondences when I contacted a school directly. It was helpful to me when I was in the beginning stages of choosing the list to apply/audition for; while other peoples' opinions obviously shouldn't be taken as gospel, it did help when deciding which schools to look further into.</p>
<p>BTW, I didn't credit anyone, I just stole your words. Hope nobody's sorely offended. Disclaimer, though: I am merely the editor, the words in the document, 99.9% of the time, are not my own.</p>
<p>I've uploaded the document (I exaggerate; it's actually about 95 pages) and if you want it, let me know. </p>
<p>This forum helped me SO much when I was looking at schools; even if this wasn't the right thing for me (and I'm going through turmoil so let's say that it's not) I would never have had a fighting chance were it not for all of you! I hope what I've put together will be helpful to someone, it's my way of saying thanks...</p>
<p>NinnyNoddle - I am so sorry how things turned out. I wish I had some Magical Mother Powers to change things or at least make you feel better. My heart goes out to you. You are in my thoughts…</p>
<p>Ninnynoodle, that’s nice of you to share your research with everyone.<br>
Are you deciding on a different direction right now? There are many paths to success in theater if that is still your dream. And of course, there are so many other wonderful majors and careers besides theater to explore also.
What options are you thinking about now?</p>
I want to suggest that you consider what you just accomplished! Some talents and interests are easy for parents to see and encourage early. But more often we find what we have a talent and an interest in a more roundabout way. Often because what would be a chore for others, becomes a drive and an ambition for someone else. Theatre needs writers and analysists as much as it needs performers. Ask yourself how many others would or could take on this project. Ninnynoodle doesn’t sound like a good screen name for you! So before you give up on theatre think of how you really spend your time and what really gives you enjoyment. It may be performing, but it maybe performing alone doesn’t make the most of your gifts!</p>
<p>Ninny- Please keep us up to date with what you do. I am sure you will have a bright future in whatever you have planned for yourself. And if you don’t have exact plans, go grab as much as you can from your education. There are so many things to learn, and you are at such an exciting time in your life. Enjoy it, and thank you for the info you assembled.</p>
<p>I wasn’t expecting such encouragement; thanks so much for all of the comments!</p>
<p>Now…I’m not sure what I’m doing now. I applied to a couple LACs in the area (one of which I absolutely love and got a fantastic scholarship to) but I’m still not sure I can afford it. I would <em>probably</em> study theatre there, they have a fabulous, well-rounded theatre B.A. program and a great school of music; I love the curriculum. That’s the one I’m hoping for.</p>
<p>“Theatre needs writers and analysists as much as it needs performers”</p>
<p>One of my favorite things is musical theatre history. I also love theatre criticism (fiction writing isn’t exactly my forte). Those are definitely two things I’d look into…I also really do love editing, and would love to do something with that. I also think I’d be a great director, but the pathway to that career usually starts with acting. So I don’t know. While my heart will always be in performing, it may have to be something I do for myself, and not for my career.</p>
<p>srw–how funny you should mention that! I’ve had two people tell me that I should look into dramaturgy. The problem is, even after looking it up, I simply don’t understand what on earth that is. Any help? :)</p>
<p>As I understand it (and please everyone-correct me if I’m wrong) a dramaturgy deals with all the historical research associated with a play that is being produced- the culture surrounding the play’s setting, the history behind the charactors if they are based on real people, production history, etc. I think it would be fascinating. I know it is offered on a graduate level- I don’t know about undergrad- but a B.A. in theatre would probably be great preperation</p>
<p>PA, yes that is my understanding also. I believe they also can be a “voice” for a dead playwrite, they also reasearch costumes, music and I understand they can be also involved in the casting process. I think it would be facinating work.</p>
<p>Ninnynoodle, this document seems like it will be valuable to lots of people. Could these members who want access to a copy PM you for the link you originally posted? That might be easier than trying to email a document that is so large.</p>