I'm sharing my 100-page guide to the Big List, created from all of your comments!

<p>me, too. thank you!</p>

<p>I’d love a copy also. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>ninnynoodle, could you possibly send me a link to your compilation as well? My daughter may attempt to transfer programs next year if she’s unhappy with her final choice this coming year and I’d love to have your resource to reference in that event.</p>

<p>As I was reading your entries earlier in the thread, I too thought of the Dramaturgy route for you. I did some reading on the terminology as my daughter has a friend who may take that route and I did not know what the term meant. Google the term and you will find many many informative sites discussing the craft! </p>

<p>I am actually trying to suggest to my daughter that she get more involved in the technical aspect of theater as I think she would be very good at it, especially stage management. For now she wants to try the acting route, but is not at all adverse to the technical side if that’s where life takes her. We shall see!! There are just so many opportunities in the business besides just acting. Yes, the starring actors & actresses get their names on the marquee, but it takes so very much more to put on a show or make a movie! </p>

<p>Best of luck to you, and thank you so much for sharing your work!</p>


<p>I just wanted to say how impressed I am with your work. I think you have a bright future ahead of you, in what ever you choose. Just make sure what ever you do you can use your uber organizational skills!</p>

<p>I would love a copy as well-for information as well as entertainment. Now that we are a year beyond the application/audition, we are always asked for help and guidance. Thanks for your hard work.</p>

<p>Add me to the list too! Anxious to learn something new!</p>

<p>And me…I’d love to see all your hard work and be able to share it with other students who are ready to embark on this journey for next year. (I am glad to go back to being just their “teacher” and not their mom!)</p>

<p>I would also love to get a copy of this for my D who will go through the auditioning process next year. Thanks so much for all of your hard work!</p>


<p>This is my first post. I am new to all this, but my D will be doing all of this next year. Could I also have have a link to your list. It sounds as if it will be very helpful for us.
Thank you for all of your work</p>

<p>Hi Ninnynoodle, </p>

<p>Will you please send me a link, and a copy of your guide for my Junior daughter when you have a chance? Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Could I please have a copy of the guide as well? That would be amazing! Thank you so much!</p>

<p>I would love to have a copy also. I have never posted here but I have been reading as much as I can about MT degrees and colleges.</p>


<p>I would also love to have a copy.</p>

<p>i would love a copy too! thanks!</p>

<p>Me too! Thanks!</p>

<p>could I have a copy?? thanks so much in advance!!!</p>

<p>i just found this and wanted to say thanks for all the work that you are doing to help others in the musical theatre field…keep it up! please send a copy so that i may share it with others in the high school that our son attended l</p>

<p>Thanks Ninny for your hard work. I’d love a link to your guide. Thanks.</p>

<p>Thanks for the kind wishes, everyone! I believe that I’ve finally now caught up with everyone who’s contacted me (PMed or replied to this thread) and sent them the link. If I missed you, please send me a reminder! I’m a silly little ninnynoddle ;)</p>

<p>I’m a new requester. I would like to get one from my D’s school. I think it would be helpful. Thanks so much.</p>