<p>Ohio State has always been my top choice, and though I was never too overconfident, I didn’t think there was much of a chance I wouldn’t get it. I have a 3.9 GPA, 30 ACT, debate team treasurer, former student council president and other officer positions, NHS member, etc. When I applied, I decided to include my class rank. My school normally doesn’t rank because we just scored I believe either the second best or overall best test results in the state. It’s incredible competitive, and even with a 3.9 I’m barely in the top 25%. I put my class rank on for two reasons: 1) I was worried that since OSU focuses so much on rank they might consider my application incomplete, and 2) I want to do a scholars program, and I thought it would hurt my chances of getting into honors. However, I applied September 16th hoping to hear back early, but I still haven’t yet, and I’m basically freaking out. My friend told me that it might be taking longer because I put down that I’m planning to study political science, and that’s one of their more competitive majors. But should I be worried that I haven’t heard back by this point?</p>
<p>You’re in; although I think you’re right at the border for pre-acceptance to honors.</p>
<p>There’s been a lot of cases of students with 27 or 28 but low gpa and class rank getting declined. I’ve never heard of anyone with a 30 and 3.9 from an overly competitive high school getting declined because of a 75th percentile class rank.</p>
<p>If you’re in Ohio, Ohio State will certainly be familiar with your school and what your class rank truly means. Even out of state, there’s a good chance that they’ll either know your school or be able to quickly determine its competitive level.</p>
<p>I’m going to have to agree with the above post- Your stats look great for admission, so I’d wait (I know this time of year waiting to hear back from colleges is always hard!) and keep an eye on that application status.</p>
<p>You’ll definitely get in. When did you turn in your app?
I got accepted on the day before Thanksgiving and was accepted into the honors program today. I think your class rank is too low to get into the honors program, I think you need to be top 15% but i could be making that up, but you should definitely get into the scholars program.
Good Luck
Go Bucks!</p>
<p>OSU honors - 30 ACT and Top 10% of your class. you can appeal, ive heard of a few people from competitive schools (like yourself) that appealed and got in with high GPA but not top 10%. i would suggest appealing into the honors program</p>