<p>I'm currently a junior and I am in AP Biology, AP English Language, and AP Pscyhology. Along with my other classes (human anatomy, spanish III, and pre-calc) I have 5's a and a B. It really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. My AP Bio teacher is absolutely amazing and the class is no where near as difficult as people at my school have anticipated.
Anyway, next year I am signed up for the following:
-AP Calculus a/b
-AP Physics b
-AP Chemistry
-AP English Literature
-Spanish IIII
-Government/Econ (required)</p>
<p>I'm starting to get a little scared about chemistry, because my friend is in AP chem right now and she is FREAKING OUT about her AP test and final. She showed me her study guided and it made me wonder if I should re-consider my schedule. I took honors chem last year and with full effort I got a B. On top of that, I have never had a phyics class. In pre-calc we did a physics unit, so I know the basics, but that is it.
Spanish is extremely easy so that is my blow-off class, and since everyone at my school has to take (and PASS) government/econ, I know that will be easy as well.
What do you think?</p>
<p>Only 4 APs? You might want to consider adding at least 2 more to your schedule if you want to go to college. Everyone knows the people who only take 4 APs a year are headed straight for the local community college after high school.</p>
<p>More seriously, you have to know how hard to push yourself. If you feel like you can handle it than take all the classes. If you feel like you can’t cut one perhaps. It’s up to you.</p>
<p>OMG ignore Alarmed!
I only got 1 AP this year, and I doubt that I’m going to a local community college (junior year)
4 APs is good. Better than most. Now keep it in mind.</p>
<p>Alarmed are you mentally ill? Just wondering</p>
<p>He is obviously being sarcastic!</p>
<p>Guys, Alarmed is just being facetious I’m pretty sure… Don’t worry, you’re good.</p>
<p>It might be tough with that many math/science heavy classes, especially if chem is already a little more difficult. I took ap chem this year and the material can be really confusing, especially if your teacher doesn’t work well for you. Then again, it’ll depend on your school and how heavy you know the workloads for those classes are.</p>
<p>Haha, yeah, I don’t know how that didn’t come off as being sarcastic, which it was. Of course the OP is good.</p>
<p>AP Chem and AP Physics B at one time will be VERY tough. I think you can handle AP Physics without taking a physics class, but if you struggled in Chem Honors, no doubt you’ll struggle in AP Chem.</p>
<p>@Alarmed it was, but whatever.</p>
<p>OP: Calculus is a hard subject to some (but easy one to those that are good at math)
Physics imo is basically more math.
Chem: look the hardest overall
Lit: Just expect alot of reading (into your free time)
Spanish: easy if you got an A in 1 and 2
Gov and Econ: should be easy if you’re good in S.S</p>
<p>Since you’re a senior, I would keep this classes list. Too many people suffer from senioritis.</p>
<p>Alarmed is being sarcastic, hence opening his second paragraph with “more seriously”.
<p>I think that you are the only one who can judge whether or not the schedule is appropriate. If you’re doing well with your current schedule you’re obviously a very competent student. I suggest looking into your schools policy in changing schedules. Mine allows a two week period into the year in which you can drop classes without it actually counting as a dropped class- maybe try it out for a week and see how it goes? </p>
<p>If it were me, I would drop one of the sciences for a lower level course (or a tough course in a subject you are confident in) and keep the other three. </p>
<p>Out of curiosity does your school have your schedule set in stone when this year ends or can you deep it around in the fall?</p>
<p>Are you my twin or something? Well vaguely twins since I’m pretty much in the same class as you…well not so much now but senior year especially: AP Chem AP Physics B AP CAlc BC but I’m not taking Lit bc currently in in AP English and I could care less about reading and writing (more of a math person).</p>
<p>When I chose those AP classes I knew they were going to be easy, except chemistry. Who really, and I mean really, wants a hard schedule senior year. I’ve done enough challenging stuffwhere’s the fun??</p>
<p>^ uh, Is this guy being sarcastic?</p>
<p>I have a strong feeling he is…I’ve taken 5 this year (first year taking ap classes) and it isn’t a walk in the park. Some people like having tons of challenging classes while I like to enjoy watching a movie in class for a week rather than writing FRQs everyday…</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice! I talked to my counselor, and I’m going to test out of Government/Economics, so then I’ll have a free hour to work on HW from my 4 APs.