I'm sure I know the answer to this

<p>But I just want to triple check.</p>

<p>For automatic scholarships, you have to have your score from the Oct or Nov SAT to submit, right? </p>

<p>The December 3 SAT is too late…right? </p>

<p>We are trying to decide if son should sign up for all 3 fall SAT’s, or just October and November SAT’s. Any opinions? </p>

<p>Thanks, and sorry if this a repetitive question!</p>

<p>The deadline is December 1st, so the Dec 3rd SAT is too late. I’m signed up for the Nov 7th SAT in an attempt to raise my score enough to qualify for the Presidential Scholarship. I’m just a little short!</p>

<p>Dec SAT is too late for an assured scholarship.</p>

<p>There may be a “chance” (no guarantee) that if you do better on the Dec SAT, that Bama will give you a better scholly.</p>

<p>I seem to recall that there was a poster who had the good fortune of UA considering a December SAT score for scholarship purposes. I certainly wouldn’t count on it, but it might be worth the testing fee and a few hours of time, just in case.</p>

<p>Arizon…my son is just a little short too. And is signed up for the October one, told me to sign him up for the November one last night. We were trying to decide whether or not to do the December one too. I think that we will wait until we know what his score is on the October test to decide about the December test. </p>

<p>Thanks for the confirmation everyone!</p>

<p>Beth’s Mom, you have seen my recent post. In Dec 2010, DS was awarded the OOS 2/3 tuition UA Scholar scholarship (31 on ACT/Science sub-score 26). We arranged tutoring specifically for ACT Science and he took the 12/2010 ACT and raised his science sub-score to 33. DS received a letter amending his offer to the Presidential Scholarship I believe it was Feb or March. But as M2CK points out, the only “assured” scholarship is prior to the December deadline.
He took the 12/2010 ACT not intentionally for UA but for common app schools. DS was not going to attend UA with the UA Scholar scholarship. So grateful that UA had the insight and funds to grant him the Presidential after the deadline. First day of classes and he continues to love it there!</p>

<p>Yeah, I didn’t sign up for the Dec SAT because it doesn’t beat the “assured” deadline. My previous SAT score was just 10 points shy of the OOS 2/3 scholarship, and 80 points shy of the full Presidential. Math is my weakness, so I am studying every day on the topics I don’t know well.</p>

<p>^ Math is younger son’s weakness, too. Unfortunately the Math SAT seems to go in for “trick questions.” :frowning: It’s a test of test-taking as much as a test of math, I think, and younger son has OCD (which results in painstaking perfectionism sometimes), and that’s not ideal for test-taking. Oh well, we can but hope and pray. It would be great if younger son could join his bro at Bama in a few years. They’ve always been best buddies. We shall see.</p>

<p>Sorry for rambling. Hope you get that Presidential, ArizonaGirl!!!</p>