I'm terrible in math, I need help!

<p>I'm only a sophomore right now, but I eagerly want to take the SAT. However, math is one of my weakest subjects, and on collegeboard.com's sample questions, I don't fare too well on the math ones. How can I prepare for the math section of the SAT?</p>

<li><p>First read Princeton Review to learn how to effectively to plug in your own #s. </p></li>
<li><p>Read Gruber's Math because it covers a lot of the hard questions and traps.</p></li>
<li><p>Read Barron's How to Prepare for the SAT 2007-2008 if you still want to have time afterwards.</p></li>

<p>Take as many practice test as you can. Do just the math sections if you want. Thats what I did, but I was already a strong math student.</p>

<p>One thing I noticed is that a lot of hard problems can be solved using a simple substitution.</p>

<p>Also some problems that require a numerical answer can be solved by process of elimination relating to the specific circumstances.</p>