I'm Terrified My College Acceptance could be revoked

<p>So, up to now I've been a strictly A or B student. Last semester I got a C in Honors Precalc, which I'm not worried about. However, this semester I'm really struggling in Physics. I'm terrified that I could possibly get a D, but I'm going to fight my hardest to get a C. </p>

<p>This semester I'm taking some pretty challenging classes though:</p>

<p>AP Spanish - I have an 87
AP Gov - I have an 82
Honors Precalc - I have an 87
Physics - I have a 74</p>

<p>Do you think this could be enough for my acceptance to be revoked if I get a D in Physics?</p>

<p>^ Depends on the school, the circumstances too.</p>

<p>The chance get get high for selective schools</p>

<p>^^ Yep, depends. But then again, I still doubt it. Just don’t get a D.</p>