I'm trying again. . . any chance?

<p>I tried posting this before, but I'm afraid I scared people away from posting by warning them not to if they didn't know the program. I obviously got no responses, so I've tried to be nicer this time.</p>

<p>I'm a sophomore (and kind of junior, since I'm graduating early) applying to Bard College at Simon's Rock AEP next year. (early start college, 20 full sscholarships to 150-200 applicants)
What are my chances of getting the full scholarship?</p>

<p>Gender: F
State: New York (Upstate rural, not city)
GPA: 96/100 (core, electives, arts, and phys ed are all counted equal, and I'm not at all an athlete, so the 4 years of pe really don't work for me)
Class size: 60
Rank: 2 or 3
APs or Honors offered: NONE
PSAT: 193 in sophomre year</p>

<p>High School Courses
Earth Science</p>

Senior Band
Senior Chorus
English 9
Global Studies 1
Spanish 2
Studio Art
Phys Ed</p>

Senior Band
Senior Chorus
English 10
Global Studies 2
Spanish 3
Written and Spoken Communication
Phys Ed</p>

Senior Chorus
English 11
United States History
Spanish 4
Precalculus/Calculus (community college credit)
+ English 101 @a community college
+Government and Economics (12th grade social studies) @ summer school</p>

Writer's Club
10-11, (but it's new this year)
8-11, Copy Editor
Quiz Bowl
10-11, captain
Secondary Site Team (school-wide government, not just student)
9-11, only Student Rep.
Girl Scouts
K-11, Assisstant Leader to small troop
4-11, treasurer
Student Council
7-11 secretary
National Honor Society
100+ volunteer hours related to church and girl scouts</p>

Teen Excellece( Local Newspaper) 10th
National Honor Society 10th
Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership 10th
Possible Gold Award (equivalent of Eagle Scout, but for girls) 11th</p>

Summer@Brown Contemporary Literature
Driver's Ed
Government aand Economics @summer school
English 102@ community college</p>

<p>Please give me something</p>

<p>A fellow student in my class is enrolled in the program for next year (she is HS Junior this year) and you're GPA/rank/ec's are at least on par with hers--probably better though. I don't know about her PSAT...but I'm not even sure if that matters for the program (does it?). Again this is all just speculative and based on one example but you seem to compare well with her. Super involved in extra curricular activities? Check. Top decile of class? Check. I would venture to guess that admittance to the program would be very subjective though...so this might not mean much.</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, what makes you interested in forgoing your senior year of HS?</p>

<p>I also am applying for next year. And my GPA is slightly higher than yours and my PSAT is about the same. Depending on the number of applicants and their scores hopefuly both of us will get full scholarships. I am also from upstate NY. I wonder if we're from the same area?</p>

<p>Sprry...haven't had a computer in a while
EliCash91-no, PSAT is optional, I just through it in there any way.I wanted to leave my senior year because, while I love my school dearly, I used up a lot of my oppurtunites for advanced classes and honors early in my high school career.</p>

<p>Megan2010-Good luck! it's good to hear someone else is as crazy as everyone in my school thinks I am. I'm about half-way between Lake George and Saratoga, in a teeny tiny town. how 'bout you?</p>

<p>Thanks to both of you for your feedback. It really calmed me down a little bit.</p>

<p>Ummm... that is supposed to say sorry up there. woops.</p>

<p>I'm from a small town outside of the military base fort drum.</p>

<p>Ohh....I've never been there, but i've heard about it.</p>