I'm "unofficially" accepted at USC

<p>I got a call yesterday morning from USC School of Engineering saying that they have already recommended me to the office of admissions. From what she says, if the School of Engineering has recommended a student to admissions, most likely that student will be accpted. So I'm just waiting for the big letter now. =]</p>

I'm taking a ***** load of classes this semester... and I feel like I'm falling behind. </p>

<p>What's the worst thing I can do (ie: get a "D" ; semester gpa <3.0 ; a "W" etc.) for USC (or any university for that matter) to recall my acceptance?</p>

<p>you must be one of those "privileged" children.</p>

<p>Same thing with me. One of the Grinnell admission officers said he spoke on my behalf because i cant get my transcript. I even had the dean of admissons writing to me once. He just emailed me about getting my grades there as an attachment online to him from my dean, and guess what, i sent no recs from my college, they don't have a hard copy of my grades; i only listed them to him in an email, and the deadline was Jan. 20th. Can't believe they are still following up with me although the admission decisions will be in on April 1st for intl transfers. Can i deemit a harbinger of the big envelope?</p>

<p>Just because you got a call from the Engineering school does not constitute admission to USC. The School of Engineering might want you but it's the main University admissions people that have the final say. Best of luck! I know a lot of USC Engineers (I had 3 USC engineering roommates) and they're all amazing people. Fight On!</p>