imma sleep cuz i'm 2 scared 2 look at UCSD decision

<p>haha this is like a big family party.</p>

<p>I was able to get there but still nothing's up.
i'm gonna sleep now..getting hungry lol</p>

<p>I want to sleep and check, but I have homework to complete. Why can't UCSD be as nicely prompt as UCD (Accepted), eh? I very much doubt I would make it into UCSD, but still.</p>

<p>I would like to be put out of my misery, you know? Haha.</p>

<p>YES IM IN!</p>

<p>but nothing has changed. =(</p>

<p>lol man i just want to know now</p>

<p>Now im happy, my ucd acceptance overides the ucsb rejection. 7 schools left...only 7....</p>

<p>I forgot my UCD login and pw so i cant check...i think its because they had strick rules for their login names/passwords (like it had to be over 9 characters, have a number in it, and at least one uppercase letter)</p>

<p>this whole process of checking SAT scores, and checking grades, and college acceptances is really wearing me out. It causes too much stress</p>

<p>LoL I'm looking at the thread and all I'm seeing are yellow CC icons.</p>

<p>I guess everyone's still holding out for at least 1 am. Maybe UCSD's going to pull off a UCI. I didn't hear from Irv until around 8 AM of March 1, so there's some sense in sweetdreams87's logic.</p>

<p>8 AM of March 15 sounds like a possibility. Sheesh, we've waited long enough, though. It's disheartening.</p>

<p>hehe...despite my own logic, I checked again. The website is functioning again, but nothing about admittance. I don't think they're going to put it up now (like, why 1AM instead of 12AM?)</p>

<p>jesus i dont even want to go to ucsd and i find myself sitting here waiting it out..... ahh! there is really no evidence that decisions will be posted on the 15th is there?</p>

<p>who cares? let's just camp and sob together, like emo kids.</p>

<p>sounds good to me. we should sit in the corner and listen to dashboard and dye our hair black too.</p>

<p>Gonna check tomorrow morning...... or maybe in the afternoon (I didn't get my UCI decision until the afternoon of the release date).</p>

<p>true. :)</p>

<p>crap, i'm done. i'll check this forum again tomorrow or something. there's no point in losing sleep at this rate. all that insomniac energy has been expended in junior year anyway. hopefully the fervent hopefuls will have better news to bring when i log in again around afternoon or so. discussion boards are blocked at our school network.</p>

<p>i'm out. you guys who are driving to school tomorrow, don't forget to sleep!</p>

<p><em>watches as the UCSD forum racks up posts</em></p>

<p>2vulgar4cc ---> none. not even march 21st, but at least that date is supported by some statistics. this year's weird, though; i've never heard of UCLA posting results before UCSD, so even those statistics are useless to me. one thing that's certain is it's a rolling admissions process and we can't do anything about it no matter how much we want to do something.</p>

<p>dying in bed sounds good right about now.</p>

<p>anyone still here?</p>

<p><em>cries emo tears</em></p>

<p>Okay, I need to go back to my work. No more interneting for me. Must. Resist.</p>

<p>alright im done, got tests tomorrow. later guys.</p>