Immediate Help!

<p>A weeks ago I found out I have enough units to transfer. I have a spring and winter semester to figure out and complete my major requirnment. </p>

<p>I have most of my IGETC done.
3.8 GPA
2 jobs
Student Government.
Scholars Program.</p>

<p>My question is. What are some majors that have little major pre reqs.</p>

<p>I know History is one.</p>

<p>Would it be possible to do Poli Sci?</p>

<p>I'm thinking of applying to the

<p>Tomorrow morning is my enrollment date for both winter and spring. Due to budget cuts , classes are limited so I need to know my plan by then</p>

<p>Could anyone help me out?</p>

<p>bmp 10char</p>

<p>It looks like you are in the California community college system. You need to make an appointment with the transfer counselor at your CCC. These people are the experts on helping you make a successful transfer.</p>

<p>As to majors, if you don’t know what you want to major in, how are you going to select a program to apply to? You need to think a bit more about the career you’d like to have after college so that you can choose an applicable major. If you have absolutely no idea yet, perhaps you need to take a year off from college and work for a while or do a volunteer project while you let yourself think about this.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best.</p>

<p>thnx happymom1.
i already have two jobs and volunteer on the side.</p>

<p>i might just end up enlisting.</p>

<p>2 important pieces of info we need: How are your SAT scores and can you afford to be full pay at private colleges?</p>

<p>1890 but I figured my SATs wouldn’t count as a transfer.</p>

<p>Depends how much the army gives me ;]
Either ROTC or army after college</p>