Immunization form & Lots of other questions

<p>Is there any way to complete this form online? Because so far it appears to be a '.pdf' that can only be printed out. And I don't quite understand the form itself.. Can someone please explain what has to be done? I mean, should there be any supporting materials, etc? They also seem to have 2 similar forms, which one do I use?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>So this is my position right now..
1. Enrollment deposit - done
2. Housing deposit - done
3. Meal plan - done
4. Immunization form - not done</p>

<p>What do I do next? Do I just wait for the Freshman Mail Registration package to come in the mailbox? When should I complete this Freshman Mail Registration thing? (Because I know I can even do it online now but would it be too early..) Additionally, does anyone know when an international should request for the F-1 visa? I read on the website, however, it is really complicated. I am thinking about calling the ambassy on Monday.</p>

<p>Sorry if these are too many questions but my parent does not speak English, nor does she know a thing about US colleges. My counselor is also out of town at the moment so I don't have anyone to consult with. I'm basically handling all of this on my own and I don't want anything to go wrong. Having been in this forum for a month, I know that the UM parents are very kind and helpful so thank you in advance. I really appreciate everyone's help.</p>

<p>PS: I do have MORE questions on majors but I think I shall save them for later :P Please don't get tired of me yet!</p>

<p>Hey bird of fowl Noir, you print the immunization form out and take it to your doctor. They then fill out the sections saying which immunizatios you have had and which you haven't. There is an extra one for International students that U.S> students don't have to do and that is the TB section. Even though you are a U.S. citizen, since you live outside the U.S. you will probably have to fill out all of it.</p>

<p>Once your doctor has filled out the form, then you mail it in to Miami. (Or you can fill out there form that says due to religious concerns you don't do injectios and forget the whole thing, LOL) but seriously, make SURE you do get the Hepetitus vacine and Ensyphalitis vacines. VERY important for going into dorm living situations and common eating situations!!</p>

<p>Wait till you get the freshman registration packet in the mail. There is a lot of good information included with it. No need to get in a are ahead of about 90% of the kids now all ready.</p>

<p>blackchicken-I think you are good for now. Once UM processes your enrollment deposits, they will start to send you alot more info about what to do next.</p>

<p>Regarding the visa, I would probably send an email to the International Student office at UM and ask.</p>

<p>International Student and Scholar Services
Room 21F Student Services - Building 21
Tel: (305) 284-2928
Fax: (305)284-3409
Email: <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>Don't worry, we're not going to get tired of answering questions. :)</p>

<p>less than a week after i paid the deposit, i got the immunization form in the mail</p>

<p>thank you :)</p>