Immunization form

<p>Hi noob here. I was wondering if all colleges required the same shots. My friend told me that there are two types of shots needed to enroll. Is this true or does each college have different required shots? Also, what happens if one doesn't have a health provider(insurance)? What would he put on the immunization form asking for the provider? I'm one of the few who isn't covered currently.. Thank You</p>

<p><begin rant=""> Thanks to Pres G. W. Bush you may never be covered until you get a job with benefits <end rant=""></end></begin></p>

<p>I don't think you need immunization records to apply though, you only need them if you are matriculating.</p>

<p>the schools i'm interested in require for me to complete an Immunization Form that can be acquired from their sites</p>