Immunology and pre-med?

<p>I plan to do immunology and pre-med. Does anyone know how this combination is? Too hard?</p>

<p>MCB is the hardest biology major, not including Chem Bio. Relative to other bio majors it is really bad</p>

<p>From CampusBuddy</p>

<p>IB is 3.34
BioE is 3.51
EPS is 3.50
ESPM is 3.45
ES is 3.39
PMB is 3.28
Public Health is 3.62</p>

<p>MCB is 2.96</p>

<p>Only do it if you really are interested in it, because otherwise you might come out with a slayed GPA.</p>

<p>Note: The 2.96 average is for MCB department courses. Some MCB tracks allow you to use non-MCB courses for your elective requirements, Immunology is not one of them. The electives for both immunology tracks are all MCB courses (some are cross listed into other departments), so for you the 2.96 average is very pertinent.</p>

<p>What other scientific major would you suggest for pre-med then? I was thinking of applying to bioengineering, but I heard that BioE is extremely competitive for admissions. (Not to mention, I have to write an essay that somewhat relates to BioE :P).</p>

<p>You don’t need to be a science major to go into medical school. You can major in anything and go on for any major.</p>

<p>Just so you know, everyone who applies for L&S is admitted undeclared, they just ask you your intended major for statistical purposes.</p>

<p>If you like biology and want to be a bio major, then you should consider any of the various biology majors, see</p>

<p>MCB and Chem Bio, (and Microbial Biology since much of it is crosslisted into MCB) have the worst grade distributions and are harder.</p>