<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>Ok, well today it kind of dawned on me that I am gonna struggle through one of my classes this year (AP Chem). As of now, I am an all A student who is ranked 1st in my class. My goal is to attend an ivy league school (my dream school is Princeton, but I know my chances are slim). Anyway, the AP Chem teacher that I have is new,vbasically doesnt teach well, and uses old AP tests as his actual class exams. Additionally, he curves the class so that only about 5 kids get an A out of the 40 kids in the class (I know..I seriously cant believe that). So, long story short, I just got my first C on a test and am thinking that there is a good chance I could get a B in the class. Now, I know that "just one B" isnt gonna land anyone at their local community college. However, if I potentially lose my val rank status, will it be detrimental to my Princeton app? Assuming my other stuff my test scores are above average (2340 on SAT) and ECs are about normal...I am also from Nebraska if that helps = D.</p>